Animal Feeding and Production in india
by Vir Singh, Kumar Ashoka, R S Jaiswal
ISBN: 9789383129300
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 6995.00
Biblio : xii+187p.,figs.,tabls.,ind., 23 cm
Author Profile
Dr.Vir Singh working as Professor, Department of Environment Science, G. B University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnager, UK.
About The Book
Animal Feeding and Production in India, an edited work of the prominent scholars and renowned experts at the prestigious GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar. Especially structured for Indian farmers, livestock owners, dairy entrepreneurs, animal ecologists, researchers, and students, the book attempts to cover all aspects of livestock production and feeding. All important livestock species - cattle, buffaloes, Angora rabbits, goat, sheep, poultry - which are reared in India and serve rural economies to a great extent have been covered in the chapters. Issues such as total mixed rations, nutritive value of cultivated fodders, ethno-medicines, draught animal power, Angora rabbitry, fostering nutritive value of poorly digestible straws, livestock-mediated agro-ecosystem services, rangeland resources, unconventional feeds such as mustard straw, etc. have been intensively discussed. The last chapter of the book beautifully answers questions frequently asked by the farmers. In essence, the book could be of vital significance for sustainable livestock production and feeding and for augmenting livestock based livelihoods.
Table of Contents
List of Contributors
1. Feeding of Animals
2. Evaluating the Effect of Total Mixed Rations on Lactating Cows Under Farmers’ Field Conditions
3. Evaluation of Maize and Sorghum Fodders for Nutritive Value at Two Different Stages of Growth
4. Livestock Contributions to Food Security in Mountain Areas
5. Traditional Health Management in Indian Himalayas: Ethnomedicine Stays Popular for Livestock Disease Treatment
6. Agricultural Transformation and Draught Animal Power System in Indian Central Himalayas
7. Angora Rabbit for Wool Production: Opportunities in Hill Areas
8. Techniques for Better Utilisation of Crop Residues for Ruminant Diet
9. Livestock-Mediated Agroecosystem Services in the Himalayan Mountains
10. Himalayan Rangelands as a Resource Base of Fodders
11. Nutrient Utilization of Mustard Straw Supplemented with Different Levels of Green Oat Fodder in Crossbred Heifers
12. Animal Feeding: Frequently Asked Questions