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ISBN: 9789359192932
Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2025     Price : Rs. 3695.00
Biblio : vii+97p., 1 table, 3 maps

Biodeterioration of Cultural Property and Researches on Conservation of Heritage Buildings by Arun Arya, Virendra Nath, Mandana Barkeshli, Abduraheem K

ISBN: 9789359197647
Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2025     Price : Rs. 18995.00
Biblio : xxxiii+508p., tabls., figs., col., ind 25 cm

ISBN: 9789359196688
Imprint : Regency Publications
Year : 2025     Price : Rs. 6395.00
Biblio : 182p

ISBN: 9789359195179
Imprint : Regency Publications
Year : 2025     Price : Rs. 7295.00
Biblio : vii+200p

ISBN: 9789359198798
Imprint : Regency Publications
Year : 2025     Price : Rs. 5995.00
Biblio : xvi+154p., col. plts., figs., bib., 25 cm

ISBN: 9789359194493
Imprint : Scholars World
Year : 2025     Price : Rs. 8195.00
Biblio : x+233p., 25 cm

ISBN: 9789359196343
Imprint : Scholars World
Year : 2025     Price : Rs. 5395.00
Biblio :

ISBN: 9789359195193
Imprint : Regency Publications
Year : 2025     Price : Rs. 12595.00
Biblio : x+348p

ISBN: 9789359193885
Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2025     Price : Rs. 11495.00
Biblio : xvi+312p., tabls., figs., maps, 23 cm

ISBN: 9789359195216
Imprint : Regency Publications
Year : 2025     Price : Rs. 6095.00
Biblio : viii+157p., 23 cm