Cucurbits Disease: Special Reference to Powdery Mildew
by Sharma, G K
ISBN: 9789390384976
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Imprint : Biotech
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 8495.00
Biblio : xvi+226p., figs., tabls., ind., 25 cm
About The Book
The book gives us present scenario of powdery mildew disease in India giving emphasis on the distribution of powdery mildew species in the states of India and their importance on different cucurbits. The book collects the perspective and identity situation of powdery mildew disease. The book also attempts to underline biological strategy for reducing disease loss on cucurbits. In the book identity of powdery mildew species is established by using teleomorph characters if present and anamorph character such as presence and absence of fibrosin bodies, mode of germination and morphology of germ tubes. Identification of the pathogen responsible for cucurbit powdery mildew disease is very important and economic consequence and this information is essential and useful inbreeding of resistant cucurbits and for adopting others management major for the disease. The book may help in the management strategy of the disease. This book will be useful for agriculturist, farmers, growers, pathologists, policy makers and research scholars engaged in research on cucurbits related diseases.
Table of Contents
Preface........................................................................................... v
List of Figures .............................................................................. ix
List of Photographic Plates .........................................................xi
List of Tables ............................................................................. xiii
Chapter-1. Introduction ................................................................ 1
Chapter-2. Literature Review ..................................................... 11
Chapter-3. Materials and Methods ............................................. 61
Chapter-4. Results ....................................................................... 70
Chapter-5. Photographic Plates ................................................ 156
Chapter-6. Discussion ............................................................... 166
Chapter-7. Summary ................................................................. 188
Bibliography ............................................................................. 196