Elementary Soil and Water Conservation Engineering

by Gupta, Rajesh

ISBN: 9789390384006
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Imprint : Biotech
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 9495.00
Biblio : x+260., figs., tabls., ind., 25 cm

Table of Contents

Preface v 1. Introduction: An Overview 1 2. Types of Erosion 17 3. Water Erosion 25 4. Gully Control 61 5. Estimation of Soil Loss 75 6. Mechanics of Wind Erosion 87 7. Principles of Erosion Control 105 8. Water Harvesting Techniques 149 9. Watershed Management and Planning 189 10. Surveying and Contouring 203 Glossary 223 References 251 Index 257