Water and Wastewater Analysis
by Kaul, S N & Ashutosh Gautam
ISBN: 9789390371853
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 12295.00
Biblio : xvi+335p., 33 figs., tabls., ind., 23 cm
About The Book
Analysis of water and wastewater is becoming increasingly important and necessary to examine the quality of water and wastewater. This is also an important tool to conduct treatability studies of wastewater and to assess ill effects and health effects. This book incorporates significant involvements in methodology and techniques for the examination of different type of water and wastewater. The book deals in details with sampling, physical analysis, chemical analysis, instrumental analysis, pesticide analysis, organics and floatable analysis, treatibility studies and statistical analysis of the data. A chapter covering the details of analysis of chemicals used in different treatment processes has also been included. Several information on the preparation of standard chemicals, chemical reactions, factors for langeliar index of saturation, conversion factors and different guidelines and standards, etc. are also given. The aim of this book has been that it should serve as a simple and reference book for academicians, practicing chemists, environmentalists, biologists, industries and should serve as a text book for the students in this field.