Vegetables Genetic Wealth and Crop Improvement
by Bhardwaj, D R
ISBN: 9789390371846
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 34095.00
Biblio : xvii+995
Author Profile
Dr. D. R. Bhardwai obtained his graduate (1 984); post-graduate (1 987) and Ph. D. degree (Horticulture
with specialization in Vegetable Science) (1 991 ) from Institute of Agricultural Sciences, B.H.U. Varanasi (U.P.).
Dr. Bhardwaj has an experience of 27 years in vegetable crops improvement (research and development)
under Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi. Presently, he is working as a Principal Scientist
after joining of scientist through ARS in 1 991. He focused on augmentation of genetic resources and genetic
improvement of vegetable crops since 1992 and continuing till date. He has identified 7 novel/unique
L genetic stocks which registered/patented with ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi. He is the first person who
developed and reported gynoecism (gygene) in bitter gourd, seedless pointed gourd ("ptgene" parthenocarpic line),
andromonoecious in sponge gourd, cluster bearing sponge gourd, and cms system in tropical carrots; which are being
utilized in development of varieties/hybrids in the country. He has developed 14 varieties/hybrids in different vegetable
crops which are known for high yield and quality attributes and all are very popular among the vegetable growers. He has
published 6 books. 3 technical bulletins, 1 information bulletin, 5 training manuals, 6 extension leaflets and more than 95
research papers in reputed national and international journals, 31 papers in proceedings, 32 popular articles, 125
abstracts and 36 book chapters on vegetable crops. He is recipient of Dr. Rajendra Prasad Award in 201 3 and 2014
conferred by ICAR, New Delhi. He is also awardee of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Young Fellow Award (2009); ISVS Fellow award
(201 3); ISPGR Award (201 3); Fellow Award of Horticultural Sciences (201 4); Young Scientist Associate Award (201 4) and
Fellow of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (2020).
About The Book
The present book has been written to fulfill the emergence of hue and cry for physical resources in the world which comprise
land, water and the biological diversity. Management of landscapes for both production of food and conservation of
ecosystem services and wild biodiversity forms the basis for eco-agriculture. In the regime of climate change, accelerated
plant genetic resource identification, collection of wild/weedy flora, inventrization, development of open pollinated
varieties/hybrids, availability, assessment/refinement to maintain sustainability are focused in a comprehensive manner. In
this book 1 6 different chapters are well designed to cover vegetable genetic resources, importance, utility and ethnobotany
along with genetic resources of Solanaceous, Cucurbitaceous, Legume, Brassica, Leafy, Alliums, Root, Tuber, Okra, Aquatic,
Rhizome, Salad/Garnish, Tree and other vegetable crops and its improvement. Under varietal wealth of vegetable crops
salient characteristic features are given in details to understand the status of breeding base products.
This will prove to be a critical input in strengthening trait specific vegetable genetic resources (PGR), identification of
responsible gene for biotic and abiotic stresses, mechanisms of sustainable utilization of landraces in development of
superior varieties and hybrids along with ongoing conservation programme at national and international organizations for
future posterity. Apart from these, origin, distribution, diversity, species availability, botanical descriptions, horticultural
classification, crop improvement and conservation are well highlighted. This book will be a milestone for stakeholders,
researchers, breeders, teachers and conservators of India and abroad. It will cater the needs of B.Sc. (Agriculture), B.Sc.
(Horticulture), M.Sc. and Ph.D. (Vegetable Science) students. Collection to conservation methodologies have been
elaborately dealt with, purposely to acquaint stakeholders to students with all aspects of vegetable genetic resources which
is the backbone of vegetable crop improvement program.
Table of Contents
Preface v
1. Vegetable Genetic Resources: Importance, Utility and Ethnobotany 1
2. Genetic Resources of Solanaceous Vegetables and Crop Improvement 29
3. Genetic Resources of Cucurbitaceous Vegetables and Crop Improvement 157
4. Genetic Resources of Legume Vegetables and Crop Improvement 289
5. Genetic Resources of Brassica Vegetables and Crop Improvement 395
6. Genetic Resources of Root Vegetables and Crop Improvement 435
7. Genetic Resources of Okra (Genus Abelmoschus) and Crop Improvement 461
8. Genetic Resources of Leafy Vegetables and Crop Improvement 489
9. Genetic Resources of Allium Vegetables and Crop Improvement 557
10. Genetic Resources of Tuber Vegetables and Crop Improvement 603
11. Genetic Resources of Aquatic Vegetables and Crop Improvement 665
12. Genetic Resources of Rhizome Vegetables and Crop Improvement 703
13. Genetic Resources of Salad/Garnish Vegetables and Crop Improvement 725
14. Genetic Resources of Tree Vegetables and its Improvement 745
15. Genetic Resources of Other Vegetable Crops and its Improvement 783
16. Varietal Wealth of Vegetable Crops 801
Varietal Wealth of Vegetable Crops (Not Listed in Table 2) 840
Plant Genetic Resource and Crop Improvement Base Glossary 931
References 943
Index 947