Sustainable Development through Innovative Agriculture
by Karthikeyan, C & R Sendilkumar
ISBN: 9789390371570
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 9895.00
Biblio : 2019, xii+270p., tbls., indx., 25 cm
Author Profile
Dr C. Karthikeyan studied B.Sc., (Ag.) from University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Bangalore, completed M.Sc.(Ag.) and Ph.D., in Agricultural Extension at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), Coimbatore. Won Post Doc Fellowship to work on a project at Rockefeller Centre, Italy. Completed Australian Government’s Competitive Post Doc. Fellow at Charles Sturt University, Australia. Graduated MBA (HRM) at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. He is certified by AIIMA, New Delhi as an accredited management teacher in HRM. He is recognised as a Fellow of the Indian Society of Extension Education, New Delhi.
Currently, working as Professor (Ag. Extension) and Heading the e-Extension Centre in TNAU, Coimbatore. Professionally specialised in Cyber extension. Proposed the concept of ICT based Extension approach named, ‘e-Velanmai’ (means e-Agriculture). Through World Bank support during 2007-2014, the concept was pilot tested, upscaled and presently (2015-16) being adopted in 100 blocks by the Department of Agriculture, Tamil Nadu. Won seven International recognitions/awards and 17 National/State level awards for his contributions in the field of Agricultural Extension. He had implemented 19 externally funded research projects in Agricultural Extension. Professionally visited various countries in six continents of the world.
So far published 16 standard books (with ISBN) in various subjects of Agricultural Extension for the benefit of UG/PG students in Agricultural Extension. Published 14 book chapters, 16 technical books based on research projects, 104 Scientific and popular articles in International and National journals for the benefit of fellow extension researchers across the world.
Dr R. Sendilkumar completed his M.Sc. (Ag) and PhD, in Agricultural Extension from Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. He also obtained MBA and PGDIM from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore and PGDPM from Annamalai University, Chidambaram. He was an ICAR Junior fellowship holder during 1991. He is an active life member and Office bearer in various reputed professional bodies. 18 years of experience in Teaching, Research, Extension, Farm management and Administration. Recognized faculty in Agribusiness, guided MSc, MBA and PhD students. Presently working as Professor Agrl. Extension at Kerala Agricultural University. Published one monograph, co-authored two books, 10 book chapters and 41 research papers in reputed National and International journals. Specialised in the area of Agricultural risk management education, Value chain management, Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship, Research Methodology and Group Dynamics.
About The Book
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) deals with aspects like poverty, hunger, food and nutritional security, health, education, gender and empowerment, resource conservation and combating climate change etc., which requires intervention of innovative technologies in agriculture capable of ensuring sustainable agriculture and rural development. An attempt has been taken on these perspectives to document the emerging promising innovative technology and institutional intervention in agriculture.
The contents in the book largely focuses on the potential technologies addressing the contemporary challenges and issues: natural resource conservation, complex diversified risk prone agriculture, climate smart agriculture, crop management, pest and disease management, nutrient management, irrigation management, weed management, waste management, ICT application -sustainable livelihood and institutional interventions.
The book will be greatly useful to the technology creators, disseminators, adopters, agricultural educationist, extension professionals, students, research scholars, policy makers and administrators.
Table of Contents
Foreword v
Preface vii
1. Innovative Extension Approach for Sustainable Livelihood of
Farmers in Tamil Nadu 1
C. Karthikeyan
2. Integrated Water Management for Natural Resource Conservation 17
B.J. Pandian
3. Instant Messaging Tool: An Effective Connecting Platform
among Stakeholders 39
M. Senthil Kumar, H. Philip and P. Sivaraj
4. Integrated Crop Management for Better Agribusiness 47
C. Jayanthi, M. Balusamy, M. Ananthi and P. Gnanasoundari
5. Integrated Nutrient Management: One Stop Solution for Sustainable
Soil Health, Crop Productivity and Removal of Soil Fatigue 63
V.V. Krishnamurthi, T. Chitdeshwari and R. Santhi
6. Sustainable Agriculture through Effective Integrated
Pest Management 75
T. Manoharan and S. Jeyarani
7. Integrated Disease Management of Major Crop Plants 85
D. Alice and M. Karthikeyan
8. Management Techniques of Polluted Soil and Water for
Complex, Diversified and Risk Prone Agriculture 97
P.T. Ramesh, P. Kalaiselvi, K. Suganya, S. Paul Sebastian,
M.P. Sugumaran, R. Jayashree and K. Boomiraj
9. Yield and Quality Parameters Up Scaling through Crop Boosters 115
R. Sivakumar and P. Jeyakumar
10. Quality Seed Production: A Basic Critical Input
for Sustainable Agriculture 123
P. Selvaraju and V. Manonmani
11. Organic Farming: A Way Forward for Sustainable Agriculture 137
A. Bharani, E. Somasundaram and D. Udhaya Nandhini
12. Weather Based Crop Advisory Prescriptions for
Climate Smart Agriculture 147
S. Panneerselvam
13. Promising Bioinoculants to different Crops 157
P. Marimuthu, N. Jaivel and R. Rajesh
14. Potential Applications of Spirulina in Food and Agro-based
Industries 165
G. Gayathry
15. Mulberry and Silkworm: Pharmaceutical Value Perspective 179
P. Mohanraj, B. Bebitha, C.A. Mahalingam
16. Role of ICT in Agriculture Extension: Experiences 189
M. Balarubini and C. Karthikeyan
17. Hydroponics (Soilless Culture): A Breakthrough
Innovation in Agriculture 199
G. Dileep Kumar, M. Dhivya, M. Kokila
18. Enhancing Agricultural Productivity through Effective Dryland and
Waste Management Techniques 205
B. Sivakami and S.P. Ramanathan
19. Innovative Agriculture for Sustainable Livelihood of the Farmers 211
A. Anitha Pauline and C. Karthikeyan
20. Seed Quality Analysis through Advance Instruments 221
S. Sathish and V. Vijayalakshmi
21. Farmers Producing Company: An Innovative Institutional
Intervention for Agribusiness 233
R. Sendilkumar and G. Naveenkumar
22. Empowerment Dynamics of SHG, Enterprising in
Food Supplements 245
R. Sendilkumar and A.K. Devi
23. Adoption Dynamics of Farmers Field School Beneficiaries in
Eco-friendly Technologies for Sustainable Rice Farming 257
G. Naveenkumar and R. Sendilkumar
Index 267