Production and Marketing Management of Marine Fisheries in India

by R. Sathiadhas

ISBN: 9789390371242
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 7295.00
Biblio : xii+193p., figs., bib., ind., 23 cm

About The Book

The book deals with the various dimensions of the marine fishery economy, including the techno-economic evaluation of different types of fishing units, marketing aspects and socio-economic status of fisherman.

Table of Contents

Foreword V Preface vii 1. Introduction 1 2. A Resume 8 3. Data Base 27 4. General Profile, Fishery Resources and Production Trend 34 5. Technological Options and Capital Investment 53 6. Costs and Earnings of Fishing Units 67 7. Production Function, Economic Efficiency and Management 106 8. Marine Fish Marketing, Price Structure and Profit Margins 118 9. Socio-economic Conditions of Marine Fisher Folk 149 10. Conclusions and Policy Implications 170 Bibliography 179 Index 191