Flora of Eastern Ghats Vol 5: Nyctaginaceae Ceratophyllaceae
by Pullaiah, T, S Sandhya Rani & S Karuppusamy
ISBN: 9789390259427
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Imprint : Regency Publications
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 15995.00
Biblio : 2019,.xviii+439p,.fig,.tbls,.indx,.col,.25cm
Author Profile
Prof. T. Pullaiah was Professorof Botany at Sri Krishnadevaraya University and retired from active service in the year 2014. He held several positions in the University as Dean, Faculty of Life Sciences; Head, Department of Botany; Chairman, Board of Studies in Botany. He has published 75 books, 335 research papers. Under his guidance, 54 students obtained their Ph. D. degrees and 34 students their M. Phil. Degrees. He is the recipient of Best Teacher Award from the Government of Andhra Pradesh, Prof. P. Maheshwari Gold Medal and Dr. G. Panigrahi Memorial Award of Indian Botanical Society and Prof. Y. D. Tiagi Gold Medal of the Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy. He was President of Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy (2013) and President of the Indian Botanical Society (2014). He was a member of Species Survival Commission of IUCN.s
Dr S. Sandhya Rani is Assistant Professor in the Department of Botany, Sri Krishnadevaraya University. She has 9 years of teaching experience and 20 years of Research experience. She was PI and Co-PI of two major Research Projects funded by DAE. She authored 7 books and published 60 research papers. She has attended 20 seminars/ conferences organized at national and international level and presented papers. She is a Fellow of IAAT and member of IBS and NESA.
Dr S. Karuppusamy is Assistant Professor in the Department of Botany, The Madura College, Madurai, Tamil Nadu. He has published more than 120 research papers and co-authored five books. He is the recipient of Prof. Y. S. Murthy Gold Medal from Indian Botanical Society and Rolla S. Rao award from Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy. He is a Fellow of Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy and Indian Botanical Society. He is the Principal-Investigator of 3 major Research Projects funded by UGC, SERB and NIF. Under his guidance, 4 students obtained their Ph. D. degrees.
About The Book
In the present volume Systematic enumeration of families Nyctaginaceae to Ceratophyllaceae is given. Families are arranged according to Bentham and Hooker’s system with incorporation of recent changes. Under each family key to the genera, followed by genus with its authority, key to the species and species enumeration is given. The genera under the family and species under the genera are arranged in alphabetical sequence. Keys are of the indented type. The enumeration of the species includes citation according to ICN, basionym and synonyms, if any to connect to Flora of British India and Flora of Presidency of Madras, description and distribution in the Eastern Ghats, flowering and fruiting period, vernacular names, specimens examined and distribution in India and world. Index to families, genera and species is given at the end. Line drawings of most of the species and photographs of many species are also given.