Diseases of Oilseed Crops and their Management
by Singh, H K & R B Singh
ISBN: 9789390259298
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 10495.00
Biblio : 2019, xiv+286., col. plts., tbls., ind., 25 cm
Author Profile
Dr Hemant Kumar Singh is Associate Professor, Plant Pathology in Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Faizabad, (U.P.) India, obtained Master degree in Mycology and Plant Pathology standing first class from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. He received Ph.D. degree from N. D. University of Agriculture and Technology, Kumarganj, Faizabad. Having experience of more than 14 years as a teacher and scientist, he worked on different diseases of crops especially professional experience in the field of Rapeseed-Mustard Pathology and taught various courses both at undergraduate and post-graduate level. He has published more than 95 research papers, review articles in National and International Journals, 5 books, 14 book chapters and many popular articles in reputed magazines. He has contributed/assisted significantly in developing three varieties of oilseed. Dr. Singh received several awards viz. SURE Distinguished Scientist Award 2014 by the Society for Upliftment of Rural Economy, Varanasi (U.P.); Fellow of Indian Phytopathological Society (FPSI) by Indian Phytopathological Society, New Delhi and so many other accolades.
Dr Raj Bahadur Singh, Ex. Professor, Plant Pathology at N.D. University of Agriculture and Technology, Faizabad (U.P.) obtained M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from DDU University, Gorakhpur in Botany specialized with Plant Pathology. He was awarded post Doctorate Fellowship (PDF) by CSIR, New Delhi for the period of two years. He has experience of more than 35 years as teacher and scientist and worked on different diseases of crops and taught various courses at undergraduate and post-graduate levels. He has published more than 100 research paper in reputed journals. Besides, he has published many popular articles, book chapters and bulletins. He was awarded as Fellow of Pathological Society of India (FPSI), Fellow of International Society for Environmental Protection (FISEP) and Fellow of Indian Society of Oilseed Research (FISOR) from different internationally recognised scientific organisations and societies. He was elected as zonal president of Indian Phytopathological Society of Mid-eastern zone in 2002 and organized several symposium, seminar and workshop during his stay at University.
About The Book
To meet the edible oil demands of ever increasing population, agricultural production is being augmented through the use of new crop varieties and changed economic practices. These practices have enormously increased the incidence of several pests and diseases. Plant diseases cause serious threats to the successful cultivation of oilseed crops resulting in huge losses in their yields.
The present book entitled “Diseases of Oilseed Crops and their Management" includes twelve chapters contributed by eminent researchers in their respective fields. This book focuses primarily on diseases and management of groundnut, linseed, castor, safflower, sesame, soybean, sunflower, rapeseed mustard and niger. The symptoms, causal organism, etiology, disease cycle, epidemiology and management strategies of diseases is presented in this book. Besides these, the breeding for disease resistance in Indian mustard and biotechnology for genetic improvement of oilseed crops are also included. We hope that this book will be of immense use to researchers, teachers, students, plant pathologists, consultants and extension functionaries who concerned with the disease management in the field crop. This book is also used as reference cum textbook in the field of plant pathology.
Table of Contents
Foreword v
Preface vii
List of Contributors xi
1. Diseases of Groundnut and their Management 1
R.C. Shakywar, M. Pathak and Debashish Sen
2. Diseases of Linseed and their Management 23
R.B. Singh, H.K. Singh, Mahesh Singh and Shiwangi
3. Major Diseases of Castor and their Management 37
V.S. Verma, Vishal Gupta, Rishu Sharma and Kavaljeet Kaur
4. Diseases of Safflower and their Management 49
P. Kishore Varma and Mohan V. Totawar
5. Major Diseases of Sesame and their Management 69
Dinesh Rai and H.K. Singh
6. Soybean Diseases and their Management 95
Sunil Kumar and H.K. Singh
7. Major Diseases of Sunflower and their Management 117
Shailesh Godika, R.P. Ghasolia, Shashikant Goyal and Jitendra Sharma
8. Diseases of Rapeseed-Mustard and their Management 137
H.K. Singh, R.B. Singh, Mahesh Singh and Ramesh Singh
9. Breeding for Disease Resistance in Indian Mustard
(Brassica juncea L.) 213
H.S. Meena, V.V. Singh, P.D. Meena, B.L. Meena, P.K. Rai and Dhiraj Singh
10. Biotechnology for Genetic Improvement of Oilseed Crops 235
D.K. Dwivedi, Archana Devi and Preeti Kumari
11. Biological Management of Oilseed Brassica Diseases 253
P.D. Meena, Ibandalin Mawlong, H.S. Meena and Ashish Sheera
12. Major Diseases of Niger and their Management 271
H.K. Singh, Mahesh Singh, R.B. Singh, J.K. Yadav, K.N. Maurya
and M.K. Maurya
Index 281
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