Customer Life Time Value
by Zareen, Arshi
ISBN: 9789390259267
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Imprint : Scholars World
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 8695.00
Biblio : 2019, xii+236., figs., tbls., 25 cm
Author Profile
Dr Arshi Zareen is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Commerce, Bharati College, University of Delhi, India, with a teaching experience of more than 12 years. She has done her Doctoral degree from the Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, India. She has presented research papers in various national conferences and various international conferences. She has won best paper award for paper presented at 6th International Conference on ‘Innovative Ways of Managing Business in the Post Globalized Era’ (BVIMR, Delhi). Her research works are published in journals of repute.
About The Book
The book covers in detail the concept of Customer Lifetime Value through the review of the vast literature available on the topic. The importance of measuring CLV for enhancing the effectiveness of other marketing tools like market segmentation, customer satisfaction, loyalty and the concept of customer equity has been discussed in detail. Various metrics of calculating customer value are discussed and compared under both contractual as well as non-contractual situation so as to suggest the one which is most suitable. An insight is provided to the readers about the various challenges faced by an organisation in measuring the profitability of their customers. The book also discusses the importance of CLV in developing customer centric strategies and the implementation of CLV strategies in both B2B and B2C setting, thus enabling managers in bringing more accountability to huge marketing expenditure and also to make better business decisions.
It is hoped that the book is quite useful for students, teachers and researchers of commerce and economics and people having concern for Customer Life Time Value.
Table of Contents
1. Overview of the Study 1-7
1.1 Lifetime Value of Customer (LTV)
1.2 Benefits of Using LTV
1.3 Resistance to CLV
1.4 Modelling of Lifetime Value of Customers
1.5 CLV and Other LTV Metrics
2.Conceptual Framework of Customer Lifetime Value 9-56
2.1 Difference between Customer Profitability and Customer Value
2.2 Managing Customer Value
2.3 Applications of Lifetime Value of Customer
2.4 Context of Customer Lifetime Value Measurement
2.5 Concepts Related to Lifetime Value of Customers
2.6 Components of CLV Calculation
3.Models for Lifetime Value Calculation 57-110
3.1 Models for Measuring Customer Lifetime Value
3.2 Basic Structural Models
3.3 Probability Models
3.4 Econometric Models
3.5 RFM Models
4. Research Methodology 111-118
4.1 Data Sources
4.2 Sample Selection
4.2.1 Data Structure Times OOH
4.2.2 Data Structure Spaghetti Kitchen
4.3 Data Consolidation
4.4 Questionnaire Design
4.5 Analysis Technique
4.6 Data Limitations
5. Calculation of Lifetime Value (LTV) of Customers 119-151
5.1 Metrics for Measurement of Lifetime Value of Customer
5.2 CLV (Customer Lifetime Value) Metric and its Components
5.3 PCV (Past Customer Value) Metric
5.4 RFM (Recency, Frequency and Monetary Value) Metric
5.5 Summary
6. Rank based Analysis 153-168
6.1 Customer Revenue and Profitability
6.2 Comparison of Different LTV Metrics
6.3 Calculation of Lifetime Value leading to identification
of profitable Customers
6.4 Summary
7. Profitability as Segmentation Base 169-182
7.1 Developing Lifetime Value Based Customer Segments
7.2 Second Cohort Analysis
7.3 Segment Profiling
7.4 Summary
8. CLV and Firm Value 123-188
8.1 Firm Value Calculation
8.2 Calculation of Customer Equity (CE)
8.3 Comparison of Results
8.4 Impact of Retention on Customer Equity (CE)
8.5 Summary
9. Profitability, Satisfaction and Loyalty 189-198
9.1 Scale Testing
9.2 Results
9.3 Discussion
9.4 Summary
10. Discussion and Implications 199-210
11. Bibliography 211 - 236