Disaster Risk and Impact Management: Some Ecohydrological and Strategic Issues

by Gupta, Anil K.

ISBN: 9789389605693
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2020
Price : Rs. 9995.00
Biblio : xii+275p.,figs.,tabls., 25 cm

Author Profile

Dr. Anil K. Gupta, Head, Division of Policy Planning, National Institute of Disaster Management, New Delhi, India. IUCN-CEM CG South Asia Member. Formerly - Director of Bundelkhand University Institute of Environment & Development Studies. Sreeja S. Nair, Consortium Coordinator, Myanmar Consortium for Disaster Risk Reduction, United Nations Human Settlement Programme, Yangon, Myanmar. Formerly with NIDM India. Prof. Vinod K. Sharma, Sr. Professor of IIPA New Delhi, and Vice-Chairman of Sikkim State Disaster Management Authority, Sikkim, India. United Nations International Strategy on Disaster Reduction-Member of S&T Council for the Asia Pacific.

About The Book

Environmental and hydro-ecological interface in science-policy-practice offers multifarious opportunities addressing not only the hazards but also the underlying causes of disaster vulnerability. This offers systemic prospects of disaster risk reduction. Policy environment for integrated approach comprising efficient governance and planning, along ecological, social and engineering solutions, under a holistic framework is, therefore, called in the recent international frameworks, viz. Sendai Framework of Disaster Risk Reduction, Paris Climate Accord, and Sustainable Development Goals, for 2015-30. The book “Disaster Risk and Impact Management” embodies 17 chapters by authors from developing and developed countries, organized under 3 sections, viz. doverview, case studies and strategic issues, in disaster management practice.

Table of Contents

Preface v List of Contributors ix Disaster Risks:Overview 1. Disaster RiskManagement for Sustainability 3 2. Climatic Effects of Increasing Concentrations of AtmosphericMethane 3. Coastal and Sea Erosion: Risk Profile and Mitigation Strategies 37 4. Bioterrorism:ATechnologicalHazard for Ecology and Mankind Case Studies 5. SpaceApplication inDisasterAssessment andMitigation:Case ofHaryana State 6. DroughtOccurrences andManagement in Kenya 7. An InterdisciplinaryApproach toUnderstanding Landslides and RiskManagement: A case study fromEarthquake AffectedKashmir 8. Using Empowerment Planning as a Strategy in DroughtManagement 9. Application of LocallyAvailableMulches forMoisture Conservation inAfforestation Programme ofDryAreas 10. Conservation andUtilization ofRainfed areas through Agroforestry interventions 11. Choice ExperimentMethod to InformFlood Risk Reduction Policies 12. WatershedManagement:An Integrated Mission 13. Hazardous Waste: Treatment andDisposal Technique Strategic Approaches 14. Community Based Risk andVulnerabilityAssessment: Approach and Challenges 15. ToxicologicalApproach to Environmental RiskManagement 245 16. Health Impacts ofNaturalDisasters: Reference to Hydro-meteorologicalDisasterManagement 17. Role of Stakeholders inDisaster Responses