Introduction to Maintenance Plant Breeding
by Mishra, D K, Mridula Billore & Phundan Singh
ISBN: 9789389605488
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2020
Price : Rs. 7495.00
Biblio : xii+206p
Author Profile
Dr Phundan Singh graduated in Agriculture from Agra University, Agra and obtained his Master and Doctorate degrees from Kanpur University, Kanpur in Genetics and Plant Breeding. Dr P. Singh has total experience of more than 40 years in the field of Plant Breeding and Genetics. He has served at the Central Institute for Cotton Research [CICR], Nagpur for about 32 years in various capacities such as Scientist, Senior Scientist, Principal Scientist, Head of Division and Director. He has 300 publications to his credit. He has authored 60 books, 18 technical bulletins and contributed 14 chapters in various books. He is an Expert member of Selection Committees and M. Sc. and Ph. D. Examiner in different Agricultural Universities. He received lifetime achievements award from CRDA in 2018. He has visited several countries such as Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Crimea, Uzbekistan, Canada and USA.
Dr Mridula Billore obtained M. Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from JNKVV, Jabalpur in Genetics and Plant Breeding. Dr Billore has more than 30 year experience of teaching, research and extension and served at JNKVV, Jabalpur/RVSKVV, Gwalior as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Dean College of Agriculture. Presently, she is serving as the Dean Faculty at the RVSKVV, Gwalior. She has published more than 70 research papers and 1 book. She received best voluntary pulse research centre award of ICAR in 2010.
Dr Devendra Kumar Mishra graduated and post-graduated from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi and obtained his Ph.D. degree in Genetics and Plant Breeding from JNKVV, Jabalpur. Dr Mishra has more than 40 year experience of teaching, research and extension. He served at JNKVV, Jabalpur in various capacities such as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor and Head, Dean and Director Farms. He has published more than 100 research papers and 50 extension bulletins, 5 books and 10 manuals.
About The Book
This book covers the courses offered in Plant Breeding at Post-graduate level in all Agricultural Universities of India. It includes variety release procedure, categories of improved seed, indian seeds act 2004, protection of plant varieties and farmers’ rights act 2001, DUS testing, seed certification, causes of varietal deterioration, basics of maintenance breeding, genetic basis of maintenance breeding, agronomic basis of maintenance breeding, nucleus seed production of cereals, nucleus seed production of millets, nucleus seed production of commercial crops, nucleus seed production of oilseeds, nucleus seed production of pulse crops, nucleus seed production of fiber crops, nucleus seed production of A, B and R lines and intellectual property rights. Glossary of technical terms has been provided at the end for ready reference of readers.
Hope, this book would be useful to the students, teachers and researchers engaged in the teaching and research of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Seed Technology.
Table of Contents
Preface vii
Post Graduate Syllabus [As per 5th Deans' Committee Report
of ICAR] xiii
Part I: Introductory Chapters
1. Variety Release Procedure 3
2. Categories of Improved Seed 11
3. Indian Seeds Act 2004 21
4. Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act 2001 29
5. DUS Testing 35
6. Seed Certification 43
Part II: Maintenance Breeding
7. Causes of Varietal Deterioration 55
8. Basics of Maintenance Breeding 63
9. Genetic Basis of Maintenance Breeding 73
10. Agronomic Basis of Maintenance Breeding 79
11. Nucleus Seed Production of Cereals 83
12. Nucleus Seed Production of Millets 93
13. Nucleus Seed Production of Commercial Crops 105
14. Nucleus Seed Production of Oilseeds 119
15. Nucleus Seed Production of Pulse Crops 135
16. Nucleus Seed Production of Fiber Crops 143
17 Nucleus Seed Production of A, B and R Lines 151
18. Intellectual Property Rights 159
Appendices 173
Glossary 185
References 197
Books by the Senior Author 199
Index 203