Handbook of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
by Singh, Aditya Pratap & D Ram
ISBN: 9789388027748
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Imprint : Biotech
Year : 2018
Price : Rs. 6995.00
Biblio : x+190p., figs., tbls., indx., 25cm
Table of Contents
Preface to the First Edition v
Preface to the Second Edition vii
1. Introduction: Importance and Historical Background 1
2. Relevance of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in India
in 21st Century 3
3. Germplasm Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of
Medicinal Plants 9
4. Herbal Plants for Production Value-addition 17
5. Cropping System in Medicinal Plants 21
6. Propagation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 25
7. Postharvest and Value-Addition in Medicinal Plants 29
8. Methods of Extracting Essential Oils 33
9. Economic Potential of Cultivation of Medicinal Plants 37
10. Major Constraints in the Production of Underutilized
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 43
11. Importance of Weeds having Medicinal Uses 65
12. Integrated Weed Management in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants 71
13. Concept and Utility of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in
Aromatic and Medicinal Plants 77
Part A: Description of Medicinal Tree Species 83
Part B: Description of Medicinal Shrub and Herb Species 101
Part C: Description of Aromatic Species 131
Glossary 151
Appendix 163
Plates 167
Index 185