Techniques of Mushroom Cultivation
by Chand, Gireesh & Santosh Kumar
ISBN: 9789388027557
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2018
Price : Rs. 6495.00
Biblio : xii+164p., figs., color phto., tbls., indx., 25cm
Author Profile
Dr. Santosh Kumar presently working as an Assistant Professor-cum-Junior Scientist in the Department of Plant Pathology, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour, Bhagalpur. He did his Ph.D. degree in Plant Pathology from G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar. He has taught many undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) courses and actively involved in all teaching activity. He has published many research papers, review articles and book chapters in national and international journal of repute. He has also published one book and 2 extension bulletin in mushroom production. His interest of research includes management of diseases of pulses and rice, mushroom and biocontrol.
Dr. Gireesh Chand is an Associate Professor-cum-Senior Scientist in Department of Plant Pathology, Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour Bhagalpur (Bihar). He has more than decade experience in teaching UG and PG classes, research and extension activities. He authored/co-authored eight books and prepared one practical manual also. He has published 70 research papers, 22 book chapters, 32 popular articles and presented more than 52 research papers in National/International Seminars and Symposia. His interest of research includes molecular plant pathology of crop diseases and their management and mushroom.
About The Book
This book has been designed on Techniques of Mushroom Cultivation comprising methods, practices of spawn production and mushroom cultivation including technological advancements made during the course of time. Due to increasing importance of mushroom cultivation, the most of the educational institutions has introduced courses related to mushroom under Post-graduate (PG) and Under-graduate (UG) programmes. The book will be useful not only for the students and teachers, but also for researchers, extension workers to grasp the principle and techniques of different kinds of mushroom production as it contains recent protocols and hands on reproducible and reliable methods of mushroom cultivation. This book deals with techniques right from preparation of culture, preparation of substrates, production management, spawn production, cultivation of different edible mushrooms to post-harvest handling and value added products, written and compiled in a simple and pedagogic manner.
Table of Contents
Foreword v
Preface vii
List of Abbreviations xi
1. Essential Laboratory Practices and Principle and Operation
of Equipments 1
2. Introduction 13
3. General Morphology of Mushroom 25
4. Life Cycle and Strain Improvement (Breeding Programme)
of Mushroom 29
5. Identification of Mushroom 33
6. Preparation of Culture Media, Preservation and Storage
of Mushroom Cultures 37
7. Techniques of Pure Culture of Mushroom 43
8. Techniques of Spawn Production 49
9. Techniques of Compost and Casing Preparation 57
10. Techniques of Spawning 63
11. Cultivation Technique of Button Mushroom (Agaricus sp.) 67
12. Cultivation Technique of Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus sp.) 73
13. Cultivation Technique of White Milky Mushroom (Calocybe indica) 79
14. Cultivation Technique of Paddy Straw Mushroom
(Volvariella volvacea) 83
15. Cultivation Technique of Other Edible Mushrooms 89
16. Cultivation Technique of Medicinal Mushrooms 93
17. Poisonous Mushroom 101
18. Post Harvest Management of Mushroom 105
19. Mushroom Cooking and its Value Addition 111
20. Major Diseases, Pests, Disorders of Mushroom and their Management 117
21. Ethics and Economics in Mushroom Cultivation 127
22. Marketing, Export and Financial Services in Mushroom Business 133
23. Mushroom Cultivation Management 137
Glossary 145
Auxiliary Information 151
Appendix 153
Index 159