Floriculture: Cultivation Processing and Marketing
by Bansil, P C
ISBN: 9789388027137
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2018
Price : Rs. 8995.00
Biblio : viii+420 p., figs., tabls., ind., 25cm
Author Profile
Dr. P. C. Bansil (1921–2016) belongs to first batch of Indian Economic Service. Worked with the FAO for about 15 years in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Rome, Zambia and Libya and for a similar period with the Government of India. Author of 46 books/ Reports. Besides a large number of reports and papers prepared for various Governments, published over 400 papers in specialized technical journals. Hundreds of Technical Reports have been prepared on various aspects of Agriculture for Various Governments. Work experience relates to the formulation, implementation and evaluation of National and Regional Plans for Agriculture, Statistics, Livestock including Poultry, Irrigation, Fisheries, Forestry, Wildlife, National Parks, Tourism, Agro Industries and Social Sectors like Demography, Health, Education and Housing etc. as well as project identification, formulation and evaluation in the above fields.
Dr. Bansil was an agri and livestock economist. He was appointed by the Planning Commission as Chairman of the Tenth and Eleventh Plans Working Groups on Animal Husbandry Economics and Statistics. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations sponsored study – Livestock in India 2000-2030 – was completed by him in 2001. During his FAO assignments in Sri Lanka, Zambia, and Libya as Senior Planning Advisor, he undertook micro level studies to improve the quality of slaughter houses, poultry, agriculture and livestock development programmes – Agriculture in India, cattle in Sri Lanka and Zambia and mutton/chicken in Libya. Over 50 years of experience in research on problems relating to agricultural and livestock, economics & statistics, rural and regional economics and planning, demography, health and social sectors in India, Planning Commission, Ministry of Agriculture and FAO.
About The Book
Floriculture is subject which is of great importance for future development of agriculture. Flowers are grown all over the world. India produces a large number of various types of flowers – rose being the most important one. We all know, Flowers play an essential role in people's celebrations and every day lives. Weddings, graduations, funerals, Mother's Day, St. Valentine's Day, Easter and Christmas. Being a nature lover. We would like to share some of the interesting facts about the floriculture through this book, with a hope that the information provided will be useful for those who are thinking of starting a business in floriculture which has tremendous opportunities in the present scenario.
The present book describes the major varieties of flowers viz., Rose, Marigold, Jasmine, Lilly, Orchid, Anthurium etc. and thousands of other flowers. This whole subject matter is divided into eight chapters- all of equal importance. Data provided both for India and the world is up-to-date and covering all relevant aspects. This book is highly useful for commercial growers, home gardeners, professional floriculturists and environmentalists.
Table of Contents
Preface v
1. Floriculture: An Overview 1
2. Development of Floriculture in India 43
3. Area and Production of Flowers in India 67
4. Floriculture Development in States 93
5. Rose 133
6. Other Flowers in India 187
7. Export and Import of Floriculture in India 301
8. World Floriculture Scenario 355