Management of Agricultural Inputs

by Z Davis

ISBN: 9789387642270
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Imprint : Agri Horti Press
Year : 2022
Price : Rs. 8995.00
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Author Profile

Dr. Z. Davis , (Ph.D. in Plant Science) has long experience in teaching and research in Plant Sciences at Kenyalta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi, Kenya. Currently, Dr. Davis serving as Consultant. His research interest include Plant Physiology and Angiosperms. Dr. Davis has published more than 30 peer reviewed papers in many national and international journals and also presented numbers of papers in national and international conferences.

About The Book

Environment problems and policies attempts to rectify the lacunae of an absence of any comprehensive book on Management of Agricultural Inputs. This is despite the fact that three-fourth of India's population is rural whose main occupation and profession is agriculture and allied activities. Agriculture has always been the mainstay of Indian economy because of its high share in employment and livelihood creation notwithstanding its reduced contribution to the nation’s GDP. Agribusiness as all the activities concerned with agriculture including farming, management, financing, processing, marketing, growing of seeds and nursery stock, manufacture of fertilizers, chemicals, implements, processing machinery, transportation equipment and the process of transportation itself. Agribusiness is thus the sum total of all operations involved in the manufacture and distribution of farm supplies; production activities on the farm; storage, processing and distribution of farm commodities and items made from them. This book offers an interesting reading for academicians students agripreneurs and agri-input about the vibrant dynamics of agri-input market in India.