Branding and Promotion of Indian Plantation Commodities
by Raj, S John Mano
ISBN: 9789387057982
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Imprint : Scholars World
Year : 2018
Price : Rs. 4995.00
Biblio : xiv+127p., figs., tabls., 25 cm
Author Profile
Dr. S. John Mano Raj holds Ph.D in Rural Marketing from M.S. University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India, MBA in Marketing and also holds an under graduation in Engineering. Currently serving as Associate Professor (Marketing) and Chairperson for the PG Programme at Indian Institute of Plantation Management, Bengaluru, an Autonomous Organization of Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of India. He has about 24 years of Post Graduate teaching experience with a blend of administrative and industry experience through organizing and conducting training, MDPs, research and consultancy works. Designed and conducted several training programmes for the stakeholders in the plantation sector and Commodity Boards. Designed and coordinated Management Development Programmes (MDPs) for the Corporate in Plantation and Agribusiness sector. Carried out research and consultancy projects funded by various agencies such as Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Spices Board , Ministry of Consumer Affairs and ICSSR, Ministry of HRD, New Delhi. Published several research papers in refereed journals, few chapters in books and participated in several international conferences and presented papers. Undergone various FDPs including IIMK and Anna University. He has received the “Best Teacher Award in Marketing Management” from national Leadership Awards in 2015.
About The Book
The demand supply situations for the selected plantation commodities such as tea and coffee in the Asian continent have undergone a rapid transformation due to the growth of the world economy and lowering of trade barriers resulting into surge in import. To give a barrier to such a situation, it is high time to create awareness on the positive characteristics of Indian Coffee/ tea and initiate appropriate branding and promotional strategies especially on country of origin labelling.
The first chapter of the book covers briefing on Indian coffee and tea sector. The second chapter makes a rigorous review on literature pertaining to the research issues, identified the variables relevant for promoting the products on ‘country of origin labelling’. A suitable conceptual model incorporating the variables has been developed and the methodology for the research is being covered in the third chapter. The data collected were presented and analyzed and the inferences and findings are drawn in the next two chapters. Since labelling helps in creating a strong distinction in the market place and acts as a vehicle for marketing, it is suggested to deploy suitable promotional measure to leverage the commercial benefits of the same. The detail suggestions to promote the Indian plantation commodities on Country of Origin Labelling and the conclusions are recorded in last two chapters.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgement v
Foreword vii
Executive Summary ix
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Background
1.2. Indian Coffee Industry
1.3. Indian Tea Industry
1.4: Usage of labels for as Brand Promotion and Consumer Protection
1.5: Consumer Ethnocentrism, Country Image and Country of Origin
Effect: A Conceptual Framework
2. Review of Literature 17
2.1. Consumer Ethnocentrism
2.2. Country Image
2.3. Trade Regulations and Plantation Commodities
2.4. Food Labelling
3. Research Design 37
3.1. Need for the Study
3.2. Scope of the Study
3.3. Objectives of the Study
3.4. Work plan and its Phasing
3.5. Research Methodology
4. Data Presentation And Analyses 45
4.1. Profile of Respondents
4.2. Consumer Awareness level on Coffee/Tea
4.3. Evaluation Criteria and Importance to ‘Country of Origin’
4.4. Consumer Attitude towards foreign brands of Coffee/Tea
4.5. The Consumer Ethnocentrism
4.6. Country Image and Consumers’ Perception
5. Findings of the Study 101
6. Recommendations 107
7. Conclusion 113
Annexure 115
References 121