Practical Manual of Horticulture
by Misra Kaushal Kumar
ISBN: 9789387057081
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Imprint : Biotech
Year : 2018
Price : Rs. 7995.00
Biblio : xi+214p., figs., tabls., ind., 25 cm
About The Book
“Practical Manual of Horticulture” has been divided into identification of garden tools, identification of horticultural crops, identification of vegetable crops, spices and condiments, identification of ornamental crops, medicinal and aromatic plants, preparation of seed bed for fruit plants, preparation of nursery bed for fruit plants, determination of thousand seed weight, testing of seed viability and germination, study of polyembryony in Citrus jambheri, presowing seed treatment for germination, practice of asexual methods of propagation: cutting and layering, practice of asexual methods of propagation: grafting, practice of asexual methods of propagation: budding, layout of an orchard, use of planting board for tree planting, planting of an orchard, training of fruit trees, pruning of fruit trees, yield estimate of an orchard, preparation of seed bed for vegetables and sowing of seeds, care of vegetable seedlings in the nursery and their transplanting, identification of ornamental plants, seedbed preparation and sowing of ornamental plants, potting and repotting of ornamental plants, training and pruning of ornamental plants, cultural practices in important ornamental plants, preparation of bonsai, planning and layout of gardens, preparation, planting and care of lawn, making of herbaceous border, making of shrubbery border, preparation of potting mixture, uses of flowers for different purposes, care and maintenance of green house/polly house plants, arranging flower show, designing of nursery experiments, media preparation, testing and potting of subtropical nursery plants and irrigation techniques, fertilization of subtropical nursery stock, testing of nursery soil and plant tissue of subtropical fruits, use of plant growth regulators in subtropical nursery production, protected nursery production of subtropical fruits, practice of in-vitro cloning of subtropical fruits – preparation of media and sterilization, selection and preparation of explants, establishment of explants and proliferation, stooling in guava and balling and burlapping of nursery plants. The selected references presented at the end can be useful to obtain further information. In the last, glossary containing related terms have been given. The efforts have been made to describe various chapter in a systematic and comprehensive manner. The subject matter illustrated with tables and figures whenever felt necessary. The book has been written keeping in view the requirements of the graduate students and teachers in the field of Horticulture.