Role Stress, Communication and Empowerment
by Rashmi Mishra
ISBN: 9789386949363
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Imprint : Scholars World
Year : 2018
Price : Rs. 5995.00
Biblio : viii+160p., figs., tabls., 25cm
Author Profile
Dr. Rashmi Mishra (born 1964) obtained Ph.D. degree in Sociology in 1991 on Police Studies as a fellow of Bureau of Police Research and Development(BPRD), New Delhi. Presently Dr. Mishra is working as Senior Reader in Sociology at Nabakrushna Choudhury Centre for Development Studies, Bhubaneswar Odisha (An ICSSR Institute in Collaboration with Govt. of Odisha). She has completed 16 research projects on diverse areas of education, welfare of SC and ST, work culture in Industry, women studies etc. Her academic interest includes Sociology of Development, Education and Women Studies. She has published more than 50 research papers in reputed national and international journals and guided more than 5 Ph.D. students. The other books published by her include (i) Police and Social Change and (ii) Clearing House Bulletin.
About The Book
Every organization operates in terms of a set of policies and norms which are sometimes laid down while at other times in the form of traditions and conventions. The role stress by an individual is due to change in routine job structure and continued exposure to stressful conditions. Empowerment makes an individual or group to expand his assets and to make purposive choices and to transform those choices into desired action and outcome. In an organization, empowerment is assessed on organizational behaviour, supervision and management, membership and leadership, training and development and goals and responsibilities. Recent advances in organizational work culture and empowerment of employees are widely discussed in it. This book will be useful to organizations, teachers, scholars and other professionals having interest on welfare of employees, women and the poor.
Table of Contents
Preface v
1. Introduction 1
2. Concept of Organizational Climate 11
3. Concept of Occupational Stress 21
4. Role Stress 31
5. Quality of Work Life 39
6. Interpersonal Communication 45
7. Empowerment 51
8. Research Project–I 73
9. Research Project–II 103
10. Summary and Conclusion 147