Production and Processing of Litchi Longan and Rambutan
by Kumar, Rajesh & Som Dutt
ISBN: 9789386949264
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2018
Price : Rs. 11995.00
Biblio : x+349p.,figs.,col.plts.,tabls 25 cm
Author Profile
Dr Rajesh Kumar, Principal Scientist at National Research Centre on Litchi (ICAR), Muzaffarpur, Bihar, has vast (more than 27 years) experience in research and development, and teaching in Horticultural Science. Dr Kumar started his career as Junior Scientist- cum- Assistant Professor (Hort.) at the Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, Jharkhand. He has tremendous research experience in various horticultural crops. He has into his credit two tuber crop varieties. Since one and a half decade he is continuously researching on Sapindaceae family fruit crops.
Dr Som Dutt started his professional career as a Research Scholar at the IARI, New Delhi, in 1982. Since Dr Som Dutt had keen interest in popular science writing, he joined Publications and Information Division (now Directorate of Knowledge Management in Agriculture, DKMA), at the ICAR Headquarters, New Delhi, in 1984. Dr Som Dutt is editing the Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, an international journal of the ICAR and the Indian Horticulture. He has vast experience in scientific writing and editing.
About The Book
The present book entitled “Production and Processing of Litchi, Longan and Rambutan” is an accessible and up to date informative book, covering all essential aspects of important commercial crops of Sapindaceae family, i.e. Litchi, Longan and Rambutan. The important management practices and utilization at pre- and postharvest levels have been discussed in detail, keeping in mind, the need for commercial exploitation of these crops. The current trends and requirements have also been brought within purview in addition to critical perspectives that foster a better understanding of its R&D issues.
We hope that this book will be of greater use for the farmers, horticultural entrepreneurs, retailers, wholesalers, exporters, students, teachers and researchers.
Table of Contents
Foreword v
Preface vii
1. Introduction 3
2. Origin 7
3. Botany 15
4. Breeding and Improvement 21
5. Varieties 39
6. Propagation 55
7. Climate and Soil 65
8. Planting and Aftercare 75
9. Reproductive Biology 113
10. Pruning and Training 125
11. Physiological Disorders 143
12. Plant Protection 153
13. Harvesting and Postharvest Handling 171
14. Marketing and Export 191
15. Introduction 207
16. Origin 209
17. Botany 215
18. Breeding and Improvement 219
19. Varieties 225
20. Propagation 229
21. Climate and Soil 233
22. Planting and Aftercare 235
23. Reproductive Biology 239
24. Pruning and Training 243
25. Physiological Disorders 245
26. Plant Protection 247
27. Harvesting and Postharvest Management 251
28. Marketing and Export 259
29. Introduction 263
30. Origin 265
31. Botany 269
32. Breeding and Improvement 273
33. Varieties 277
34. Propagation 281
35. Climate and Soil 285
36. Planting and Aftercare 287
37. Reproductive Biology 291
38. Pruning and Training 295
39. Physiological Disorders 297
40. Plant Protection 299
41. Harvesting and Postharvest Management 303
42. Marketing and Export 311
Bibliography 315