Handbook of Marine Chemistry
by D Satyanarayana, VVSS Sarma
ISBN: 9789386615916
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2018
Price : Rs. 12995.00
Biblio : XX+354 p., figs., tabls., ind., 25 cm
Author Profile
Prof. D. Satyanarayana is a distinguished chemist. He served in Andhra University
(1967-97) in several academic positions as Head of the Department, Chairman, PG Board of Studies and Director, School of Chemistry. He has rich experience in teaching and research covering analytical, physical, marine and petroleum geochemistry. He trained
15 doctorate students and published over 100 papers in various National and International Journals. He wrote a monograph on Electrochemistry in Telugu (regional language) and two books, one on Marine Chemistry and the other on Petroleum Geochemistry in English.
Dr. V.V.S.S. Sarma is a distinguished bio-geochemist. He is currently working as Principal Scientist in the CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography, Regional Centre, Visakhapatnam. He has 20 years long experience in the Ocean Biogeochemistry and cycling of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen in the aquatic system. Dr. Sarma worked at Nagoya University at various capacities over 8 years as Visiting Professor and Research Scientist. He has significant contribution in understanding biogeochemistry of Indian Ocean and published over 80 papers in the national and international journals of repute.
About The Book
The earlier book entitled “Marine Chemistry” written by me and published in 2007 has been thoroughly revised and enlarged to include recent developments in chemical oceanography. The seven chapters included in the earlier book have been expanded into eleven incorporating additional information such as the origin of the ocean, isotopic composition of seawater, speciation of major and minor elements, role of trace metals in global climate control, distribution of reactive (non-conservative) gases such as nitrous oxide (N2O), nitric oxide (NO), Methane (CH4) and dimethyl sulphide [(CH3)2S]. Distribution of CO2 components e.g. partial pressure (PCO2), pH, total alkalinity (TA) and total CO2 (“CO2) in seawater, segregation (horizontal) of bio-limiting elements, iron fertilization, methods of organic matter characterization and major classes of organic bio-molecules such as hydrocarbons, carbohydrates, amino acids and proteins, complex and simple lipids, and pyrroles and porphyrins in seawater are also included.
Five new chapters (12-16) of special significance and present day relevance namely, the Global carbon cycle and climate change; Hypoxia (Reducing environments); Hydrothermal vent fluids; Chemical diagenesis and interstitial waters; and fossil and bio-fuels have been incorporated in the book. Important topics such as Role of ocean on global carbon cycle and climate, Use of oceans to mitigate anthropogenic CO2 emissions, Typical anoxic/hypoxic environments for example, Black Sea, Cariaco Trench, Framvaren Fjord, Northern Gulf of Mexico and the Arabian Sea; Categorization of hydrothermal vent fluids and their chemical composition; Diagenesis of organic matter in sediments and typical pore water profiles of major cations and anions, alkalinity, pH and Eh and some redox species are included. Distinction of fossil (petroleum and natural gas) and bio (ethanol, diesel, methane, hydrogen, BtL) fuels; Relative merits and limitations of fossil and biofuels, and future strategies of biofuels have been described in detail.
The book thus provides the latest information on marine chemistry to be used as a course material in chemical oceanography to graduate/post-graduate students. It is written in a simple and lucid style that can be easily followed not only by the students but also by the practicing scientists and engineers working in marine environment and related areas.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements v
Foreword vii
Preface ix
1. Introduction 1
2. Nature and Properties of Seawater 11
3. Gross Chemical Composition of Seawater 21
4. Conservative (Major) Elements in Seawater 37
5. Minor (Trace) Elements in Seawater 47
6. Dissolved Gases in Seawater – I 73
7. Dissolved Gases in Seawater – II 91
8. Nutrient (Biolimiting) Elements 111
9. Radioactive Nuclides in the Sea 153
10. Primary Production and Iron Fertilization in the Sea 183
11. Marine Organic Matter: Chemical and Biological Aspects 205
12. The Global Carbon Cycle and Climate Change 231
13. Hypoxia (Reducing Environments) 247
14. Hydrothermal Ventfluids 267
15. Chemical Diagenesis and Interstitial (Pore) Waters 281
16. Fossil and Bio Fuels 303
References 335
Appendix 339
Glossary 343
Index 349