Effect of Cort Programme on Critical Thinking
by Rajesh Kumar, V K Gupta
ISBN: 9789386615732
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Imprint : Scholars World
Year : 2018
Price : Rs. 7495.00
Biblio : xviii+189p., tabls., 25 cm
Author Profile
Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Ph.D. (Education) has a wide experience of teaching B.Ed. and M.Ed. classes with a keen interest in Research and Statistics in Education. He has published 14 research papers in National and International journals. He has also participated and presented papers in several National and International seminars and conferences on Education. He completed his Ph.D. under valuable guidance of Dr. V.K Gupta who recently retired as Principal, University College of Education, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra.
Dr. V.K Gupta is a teacher, administrator and researcher of a well-known repute. He is the author of several popular books on Educational Psychology and on Methodologies of teaching subjects. He had also served as Head and Professor, Department of Education, National Fizi University, Fizi.
About The Book
The purpose of thinking is to collect information and to make the best possible use of it. The fascination with thinking, how and why people think, how we can teach thinking, has been evident for centuries. According to Edward De Bono “Thinking is a skill; it can be developed and improved if one knows how”. The various programmes designed to teach thinking and the professional concerns expressed in journals and books highlight the issues in the application of theory. This book is the result of a research conducted to find the effect of CoRT programme on Critical thinking. CoRT programme is designed by Edward De Bono which consists of sixty different tools for development of thinking. Along with the other general information on thinking, the book provides both quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data. Hope, this book is useful in bridging the gap between theory and practice on “how to teach thinking skills”.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements v
List of Tables xi
List of Figures xvii
1. Introduction 1
1.0.0 The Present Study 1
1.2.0 Concept of Thinking Skill(s) 3
1.3.0 Critical Thinking 8
1.4.0 Teaching of Thinking 16
1.5.0 Criteria for Selecting a Thinking Programme 20
1.6.0 Cognitive Research Trust (CoRT) Thinking Program 21
1.7.0 Statement of the Problem 26
1.8.0 Scheme of Report Writing 28
2. Review of Related Literature 29
2.0 Introduction 29
2.1 Studies Related to Critical Thinking 30
2.2 Studies Related to CoRT Thinking Programme 33
2.3 Analysis of the Review of Available Literature 38
3. General Methodology 39
3.0.0 Introduction 39
3.1.0 Overall Design: Four Stages 39
3.2.0 Samples for four Stages 40
3.3.0 Main Study : Research Design 42
3.4.0 Data Analysis : Four stages 46
4. Pilot Study 47
4.0.0 Introduction 47
4.2.0 Research Design : Pilot Study 48
4.3.0 Tentative Results and Discussion 53
4.4.0 Overview of Results 61
4.5.0 Guidelines for the Final Study 62
5. Tools and Treatment 64
5.0.0 Introduction 64
5.1.0 Cornell Critical Thinking Test (CCTT) Level-X 65
5.2.0 James Madison Test of Critical Thinking 68
5.3.0 Students Reaction Scale Towards CoRT (SRSTC) 71
5.4.0 Student Observation Scale (SOS) 72
5.5.0 Case Study Procedure (CSP): 73
5.6.0 The Treatment: Three CoRT Packages 74
5.7.0 CoRT Treatment: Application 85
6. Quantitative Analysis 86
6.0.0 Introduction 86
6.1.0 Research Design 87
6.2.0 Null Hypothesis – Hl 92
6.3.0 Null Hypothesis –H2 96
6.4.0 Findings Regarding Null Hypotheses 104
6.5.0 Student’s Reactions: Liking and Possibility 106
6.6.0 Findings Regarding ‘Liking’ and ‘Possibility’ of CoRT 117
7. Qualitative Analysis 119
7.0.0 Introduction 119
7.1.0 Research Design 120
7.2.0 Case Study 134
7.3.0 Conclusion: Qualitative Analysis 141
8. Findings and Implications 143
8.0.0 Introduction 143
8.1.0 Findings 143
8.2.0 Educational Implications 147
8.3.0 Suggestions for Further Research 150
9. Summary 152
9.1.0 Introduction 152
9.2.0 Methodology 156
9.3.0 Findings 162
9.4.0 Educational Implications 166
9.5.0 Suggestions for Further Research 166
Bibliography 168
Appendices 180
Appendix-A: Students Reaction Scale Towards CoRT (SRSTC) 180
Appendix-B: Student Observation Scale (SOS) 182
Appendix-C: Case Study Procedure (CSP) 183
Appendix-D: Edward de Bono: Designer of CoRT Programme 186