Fundamentals of Plant Diseases
by Nwosu, Obasai
ISBN: 9789386595997
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Imprint : Agri Horti Press
Year : 2018
Price : Rs. 9995.00
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Author Profile
Dr. Obasi Nwosu, Ph.D. (Plant Pathology) has long experience in teaching and research in the Faculty of Agri- Sciences, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. He is very well known for his contribution in Crop Diseases. Presently , he is a consultant in Agriculture Research and Development, South Africa.
About The Book
Plant diseases are generally divided into two groups based on their cause. Nonparasitic diseases are induced by some genetic or environmental factor such as nutrient deficiencies, extreme cold or heat, toxic chemicals (air pollutants, weed killers, or too much fertilizer), mechanical injury, or lack of water. These diseases cannot be transmitted to healthy plants and their control depends solely on correcting the condition causing the disease. Plant diseases are reasonably uniform in size and stability. They generally sediment between 50 and 500s and are resistant to chelating agents. Few host components share these sedimentation and stability properties. Most plant diseases are caused by fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Although the term disease is usually used only for the destruction of live plants, the action of dry rot and the rotting of harvested crops in storage or transport is similar to the rots of growing plants; both are caused by bacteria and fungi. Any environmental factor that favors the growth of parasites or disease transmitters or that is unfavorable to the growth of the plants will lead to increases in the likelihood of infection and the amount of destruction caused by parasitic disease. Parasitic diseases are spread by dissemination of the agent itself (bacteria and viruses) or of the reproductive structures (the spores of fungi). Wind, rain, insects, humans, and other animals may provide the means for dissemination. This book is highly useful for students, researchers, plant pathologists, entomologists, extension workers, farmers and all other interested in plant pathology.
Table of Contents
Preface vii
1. Introduction to Plant Disease 1
2. Plant Viral Diseases 34
3. Plant Pathology 70
4. Plant Nematodes Diseases 123
5. Diseases of Leaf 149
6. Fruit Diseases 171
7. Vegetable Diseases 211
8. Prevent Diseases of Treating Seeds 235
9. Control of Plant Disease 263
Index 288