Hospital Supporting Services and Systems

by M A George

ISBN: 9789383129713
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 6995.00
Biblio : xi+188p., figs., tabls., ind., 22 cm

Author Profile

Brig. (Dr.) M.A. George has administered and managed a number of hospitals from 100 to 800 beds, both in Army and civil.

About The Book

Hospitals are meant for medical care of the sick and wounded. But the term medical care has a wider connotation than mere Medical Treatment. The hospital services can broadly be divided into Clinical services, and the Supporting Services. The quality of medical care will not only depend upon the Clinical services, but also in equal measure on the Hospital Supporting Services. This book is meant to remedy the deficiency in authoritative literature about the Hospital Supporting Services, and is by a medical doctor, who has more than 40 years experience in Hospital administration, having set up large multi-specialist hospitals, and having managed hospitals varying from one hundred to eight hundred beds.

Table of Contents

"Preface Introduction 1. Pharmacy 2. Laboratory Services (LAB) 3. Imaging Services 4. Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD) 5. Physiotherapy 6. Blood Bank 7. Medical Records Department (MRD) 8. Hospital Dietary Services 9. Laundry Services 10. Hospital Mortuary 11. Transport 12. Fire Prevention 13. Engineering 14. Security Section 15. Public Relations 16. Marketing 17. Hospital Waste Disposal 18. Hospital Infection Control 19. Medical Ethics 20. Material Management 21. Laws Applicable to Hospitals–I 22. Laws Applicable to Hospitals–II 23. Quality Assurance Index"