Aquaculture Limnology and Ichthyology: Manual for Students Researchers Wildlife Managers and Environ
by A B Chaudhuri, Hiralal Chaudhuri
ISBN: 9789383129546
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 11995.00
Biblio : xiiv+343p., col., 13 figs., tabls., ind., 23 cm
About The Book
While stock-taking the life-time achievements of Professor Hiralal Chaudhuri in the domain of research, teaching and training one has to go through the editor’s, Write up detailed in “Preface” and “Introduction”. Three manuals viz., Aquaculture, Limnology and Ichthyology form an intergal and interrelated chain of activities and may be taken as a single unit. In fact the success of the Professor in various facets of Aquaculture promoted Central Government to get hundreds of budding aquaculturists of all ranks to be trained under him, and the manuals aided in his lectures. In fact, the Professor’s various national and international assignments and responsibilities with FAO/UNDP, ESCAP, SEAFDEC, NACA/IDRC and others involved him in coordinated research, training and teaching activities. Hundreds of officers were trained and even the high-valued Ph.D. and M.S. degree researchers had to be guided by him in their researches. Besides, his experience in teaching since 1943 promoted him to draw outlines for presentation of various multiple details of subjects to the students through lecture notes, transparencies for over-head projector, colour slides and herbarium sheets. The three manuals provide all such data and information. His command over the languages of English, French, German and Latin helped him to explain various scientific terms and significance to the students very lucidly and convincingly. The students, undergraduate and post-graduate, assessed the quality of his teaching as the best among all the groups of lecturers in evaluating their performances which was a system in the University of the Philippines at Los Banos. As such, the manuals have immense value. In preparation of this treatise on manuals, the editor had to collect various facts from innumerable stray papers as the Professor did not intend to publish them in a book form. Even then it is hoped that the school and College students, researchers, trainers, environmentalists and wildlife managers will find the contents of the manuals very useful in their research investigations as they provide all basic information of Chemistry, Botany, Zoology and Physics involved in the study.
Table of Contents
Professor Chaudhuri’s Consent
Professor Chaudhuri’s Vision
Some Common Greek & Latin Prefixes & Common Words
Some Common Latin Words Used in Biological Science
1. Preamble – Definition
2. Aquaculture for Increased Production
3. Aims and Objectives
4. Basic Principles Underlaying Fish Production
5. Primary Production and Food Chain
6. Classification of Aquaculture
7. Biological Means of Increasing Production
8. Distinctive Feature of Fish Culture in Various Regions of the World
9. Homestead Aquaculture
10. Critical Standing Crop (CSC)
11. Reproduction in Fish
12. Metabolic Products of Fish and Their Effects on the Growth of Fish
13. Cage Culture in Running Water
14. Simultaneous Culture of Rice and Fish
15. Aquaculture Detailed in Transparencies Increase Fish Production – Biotechnology – Productivity – Seaweed Culture – Human Population – Environmental Exploitation
Reference Books on Aquaculture
1. General Limnology
2. Our Planet Earth
3. Water Balance in Lakes
4. Some Important Lakes of the World
5. Geomorphology of Lakes Basins
6. Light : Optical Properties of Lakes
7. Lacustrine Zonation
8. Circulation of Food in a Lake
9. Water and Life
10. Water as an Environment
11. Heat : Thermal Properties of Water
12. Water : Various Movements
13. Chemical Properties of Water
14. Classification of Organisms in Water
15. Classification and Technology of Plankton
16. Functional Classification of Organisms
17. Productivity of Food in Lakes
18. Zooplankters
19. Zoobenthos
20. Fish
21. Morphometry and Morphology of Lakes and Lakewater
Reference Books on Limnology
1. General Considerations
2. Origin and Evolution of Vertebrates
3. Classification
4. External Morphology
5. Locomotion in Fishes
6. Fish Blood
7. Lymphatic System in Fish
8. Swim Bladder, Neutral Bouyancy & Its Modifications
9. Adaptations for Air-Breathing in Fishes
10. Digestive System in Fishes
11. Structure and Functions of Fish Kidney
12. Osmotic Regulation in Fishes
13. Gametogenesis and Embryogenesis in Fishes
14. Endocrine Organs in Fishes
15. Sense Organ in Fishes
16. Colouration in Fishes
17. Bioluminescence in Fishes
18. Electric Organs in Fishes
19. Fish Migration
20. Zoogeography
21. Mullet
22. Fish Production and Supportive Diagrams
Reference Books on Ichthyology