Delicious Seafood Recipes
by Dr Anshuman D Dholakia
ISBN: 9789383129362
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 7495.00
Biblio : xv+189p., figs., tabls., 23 cm
Author Profile
Dr. A.D. Dholakia (Retd.) Research Officer and Head, Fisheries Research Station, Junagadh Agricultural University, Sikka (Gujarat, India.
About The Book
In all over India, fish and other seafoods are hot favorites. They are either fried, or made as curry or preserved as pickles. They are dried in the sun and preserved using salt for future use also. Generally, fish dishes are healthier than other non-vegetarian foods. Seafood recipes are so numerous because there are so many flavors that go so well with seafood. There are also many types of seafood such as shrimp, tuna, salmon, catfish, swordfish, cod, and snapper. In this book the author tried to cover different seafoods available. So that one can select recipe from the available seafood in their area. Total 160 delicious seafood recipes including 42 recipe methods are for fresh fish, 43 for prawns/shrimps, 27 from other seafoods like Lobster, Muscle, Clams, Crabs, squids etc and 9 recipes from Dry Fish Products, 5 Pickle and 24 curry preparations are explained. 5 preparations are given for minced seafood meat and 5 preparations are from canned seafood items. List of 67 various herbs and species with their Hindi names are also given. Standard weights and measures and their conversion are also given. Over and above glossary for cooking items are given in this book for better understanding.