Glossary of Plant Physiology
by G S R Murti, GS Sirohi, KK Upreti
ISBN: 9789383129027
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 7495.00
Biblio : 2004, v+207p., figs., tabls., 23 cm
Author Profile
Dr. G.S.R. Murti, presented Head, Division of Plant Physiology & Biochemistry, Indian Institute of Horticulture Research, Banglore has 32 years experience in the discipline of plant physiology excluding the period spent for the doctorate. <BR> Dr. G.S. Sirohi, is a renouned Plant Physiologist of India. In Recognition of his services at Antarctica, a place was named ‘Sirohi Point’ for his prestigious research during 1960-1961. He was served as Professor & Head, Division of Plant Physiology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi for 17 years and has contributed immensely for the promotion and popularization of Plant Physiology in India. <BR> Dr. K.K. Upreti is working as Senior Scientist in the Division of Plant Physiology & Biochemistry, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Banglore and has 15 years of research experience in the field of Plant Hormones.
About The Book
The Glossary of Plant Physiology is useful compilation of various terminologies not only from the discipline of plant physiology but also some important ones from molecular biology, biochemistry and biotechnology. It is prepared by highly qualified and experience authors and is a production of their life time association with plant physiology. The need for glossary among researchers, teachers and students was long felt and this compilation is expected to fulfill such requirement. In this glossary, an attempt has been made to present the definitions in simple and lucid manner along with suitable examples, illustrations and biological pathways for their easy understanding and clarity, wherever required. The comprehensive list of conversion tables, symbols, abbreviation and uses for plant growth regulators presented in annexure is an extra source of information. The glossary is expected to serve as a ready reckoner of the physiological terms to all those involved in plant physiology.