Field Cum Laboratory Procedures in Animal Health Care
by Zahoor A Pampori
ISBN: 9789383048984
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 6995.00
Biblio : xi+189p., figs., tabls., ind., 23 cm
About The Book
This book is first of its kind in India on field cum Laboratory procedures in animal health care. This book has been composed to impart the basic knowledge of collection, preservation and transportation of test samples required in the diagnosis of a suspected disease. It provides practical guidelines to be followed for reaching the definite diagnosis of a suspected disease. The author has chalked out a unique trace chart providing ready references to different animal diseases, their causative agents, symptoms, test materials required and relevant laboratory tests to be employed for arriving at diagnosis of a disease. This book contains perhaps for the first time, in a tabular form, the morphological, cultural and biochemical characteristics of different disease causative agents. This book also contains valuable information about the care and management of laboratory animals besides physiological profiles of various parameters in domestic animals. This book deals in the basic principles of modern laboratory techniques being employed in animal disease diagnosis. This book also provides guidelines for manufacture of important animal disease vaccines.
Table of Contents
Contents Chapter 1: Washing and Sterilization of Laboratory Wares; Chapter 2: General Recommendations in Handling Samples for Laboratory Diagnosis; Chapter 3: Standard Procedures Involved in Collection and Transportation of Samples; Chapter 4: Culture, Isolation and Identification of Techniques, (a) Culture and isolation of bacteria, (b) Culture and isolation of fungi, (c) Culture and isolation of viruses; Chapter 5: Animal Disease and their Diagnostic Tools; Chapter 6: Special Laboratory Techniques; Chapter 7: Care and Management of Laboratory Animals; Chapter 8: Production of Common Livestock and Poultry Vaccines; Chapter 9: Physiological Profile of Various Parameters in Different Animals; Address of Different Diagnostic Laboratories in India.