Evaluation of Insecticide Resistance Management Programme: Theory and Practice
by Rajinder Peshin
ISBN: 9789383048946
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 9995.00
Biblio : xii+277p., col. plts., tabls., ind., 25 cm
About The Book
There is scanty information available about the impact of different Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programmes implemented in India since 1974-75, and whatever information is documented is based on the project reports of the implementing agencies which lack rigorousness of social science research based on scientific methods to measure the implementation and outcome of IPM programmes for decision making purposes. The importance of evaluation research to determine the merit and worth of agricultural programmes in general and IPM programme in particular has not caught the attention of programme planners and programme implementing agencies in India as is the case with developed countries of the world. Programme evaluation evolved primarily in the United States of America, and became a semi-professional discipline. The book “Evaluation of Insecticide Resistance Management Programme” Theory and Practice” is about insecticide resistance management (IRM) based IPM programme. The methodologies for evaluation of IPM programmes are documented in the book. It covers the content and process areas of IRM programme implemented in ten cotton-growing states of India by the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India under the Technology Mission on Cotton (TMC), Mini-Mission (MM-II) programme since 2002. The development, implementation and impact of IPM programmes is discussed in the book. The book gives an overview of cotton growing scenario in India and the losses caused by insect pests. The outcome of formative evaluation of IRM programme in Punjab is presented as a case study. The book shall serve the biological scientists (entomologists) and social scientists (extension educationists, anthropologists and economists) associated with IPM-innovation development process. It will provide the feedback to agriculture policy planners about the worth of IPM programmes at farmers’ level and the role of evaluation research in agricultural programmes. The book is a significant contribution of the extension education discipline to the multidisciplinary field of IPM. At post-graduate level the students will find the book as a useful guide for planning and conducting diffusion and evaluation research in the dynamic field of IPM.
Table of Contents
List of Abbreviations and Terms
List of Figures
List of Tables
1. Insecticide Resistance Management in Cotton
1.1 Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Cotton
1.2 Insecticide Resistance Management (IRM): A Component of IPM
1.3 Cotton Growing Scenario in Punjab
1.4 Evaluation of IRM Programme
1.5 Objectives of the Study
1.6 Significance of the Study
1.7 Limitations of the Study
2. Integrated Pest Management Implementation and Impact
2.1 IPM: A Historical Perspective
2.2 Development of IPM
2.3 IPM Programmes Around the World
2.4 Knowledge Achievement: A Learning Process
2.5 Adoption of IPM Practices
2.6 Economic Rewards of IPM Programmes
2.7 Adoptability and Constraints
3. Evaluation Research: A Theoretical View
3.1 Evaluation Research: A Theoretical View
3.2 Types and Forms of Programme Evaluation
3.3 Methodologies for Evaluation of IPM Programmes
3.4 Theoretical Frame Work of the Study
4. Methodology for Formative Evaluation
4.1 Research Design of the Study
4.2 Locale of the Study
4.3 Sampling Plan of the Study
4.4 Selection of the Respondents
4.5 Selection of IPM Practices under IRM Programme
4.6 Operational Definitions
4.7 Construction of Research Schedules for Data Collection
4.8 Pre-testing of Research Schedules
4.9 Reliability of Knowledge Test and Scale
4.10 Weight-age Scheme for Knowledge Test Items
4.11 Data Collection
4.12 Objective Wise Research Hypotheses
4.13 Statistical Analysis
5. Evaluation of the Insecticide Resistance Management Programme
5.1 Selection Procedure of Villages and Farmers Under IRM Programme
5.2 Profile of the Respondents
5.3 Extension Methodology Followed for Dissemination of Technology
5.4 Knowledge Gain of the Farmers about IPM
5.5 Adoption of IPM Practices
5.6 Economic Benefits at the Farmers’ Level
5.7 Adoptability and Constraints
5.8 Bt-cotton: Adoption Before Recommendation
5.9 Evaluation of the IRM Programme by Trainee Farmers
5.10 Inferences
6. Summary and Conclusion
6.1 Introduction and Objectives
6.2 Materials and Methods
6.3 Findings