Water: A Manual for Engineers Architects Planners and Managers
by Ashok Kumar Jain
ISBN: 9789383048861
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 17995.00
Biblio : vii+613p., figs., tabls.,bib., 25 cm
About The Book
The crisis of water all over has brought renewed focus on the urgent need for sustainable management of the water resource. This issue is interwined and integrated to cultural, historical, political economic and social development, which have bearing on the regional stability and international cooperation. Fast increasing population is leading to indiscriminate expansion of urban footprints on the landscape of India. This is putting unbearable pressure on the ever-dwindling water resource. Its sustainable development would chart the course for the future growth of the country. Therefore, it is imperative not only to initiate new projects and upgrade our present infrastructure, but also to promote water conservation. This book provides a holistic and a comprehensive perspective to understand, analyze and deal with the short term and long range issue which are involved in the planning, conservation and management of the water resource. It provides a window to much needed basic information for the engineers, planners, architects, managers and all those involved with water management.
Table of Contents
Contents Chapter 1: Introduction; Chapter 2: Accelerated Urban Water Supply Programme; Chapter 3: Agenda 21 and Sustainable Water Development; Chapter 4: Agriculture and Water Management; Chapter 5: Aquifers; Chapter 6: Bio-Drainage; Chapter 7: Coagulation and Flocculation; Chapter 8: Coastal Regulation Zone and Marine Pollution; Chapter 9: Drainage and Storm Water Management; Chapter 10: Drinking Water; Chapter 11: Drip Irrigation and Rainfed Agriculture; Chapter 12: Driving Rain Index; Chapter 13: Filtration Technology and Water Treatment; Chapter 14: Fire Hydrants; Chapter 15: Fresh Water Management; Chapter 16: Ground Water Resource and Management; Chapter 17: Hydraulic Civilisation; Chapter 18: Infiltration Wells; Chapter 19: Inter-basin Water Transfer; Chapter 20: Landscape and Water; Chapter 21: National Water Policy; Chapter 22: The Rain; Chapter 23: Rain Water Harvesting; Chapter 24: River Basin Development; Chapter 25: River Floodplain Management; Chapter 26: Rural Water Supply; Chapter 27: Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-07); Chapter 28: Waste Water Treatment; Chapter 29: Water Demand Management; Chapter 30: Water Harvesting Structures; Chapter 31: Water proofing in Buildings; Chapter 32: Water Pollution and Health; Chapter 33: Water Saving Techniques; Chapter 34: Watershed Development; Chapter 35: Water Security; Chapter 36: Water Tariffs and Financial Infrastructure; Chapter 37: Setting Up of Regulatory Authority; Chapter 38: Water Supply: Model Agreement for Partnership; Chapter 39: Water Supply in Building; Chapter 40: Wetlands; Chapter 41: Zero Run-off Drainage.