Identification of Prawns/Shrimps and their Culture
by Anshuman D Dholakia
ISBN: 9789383048571
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2021
Price : Rs. 12995.00
Biblio : xxxiii+366p., col. plts., figs., ind., 25 cm
Author Profile
Dr. A. D. Dholakia Formerly Research Officer and Head, Fisheries Research station, Junagadh Agricultural University, Sikka, Gujarat.
About The Book
Prawns are recognized as a major delicacy for the table and in many parts of the world prawn fisheries have developed extensively during the last forty years. There is a need to develop identification technique for post larvae and juvenile of prawn/shrimp, which is easy and reliable. Such a technique would be useful for studying genetic variations of wild populations and in brood stock selection for intensive farming. In this book identification of major commercially important species is done from Mysis, Post larvae stages as well as adults. Identification using carapace and how to identify prawn/shrimp in field are also given. Identification of Mysis and post larvae are given using drawings of antinnuals, mandibles, maxillas, maxiliped, uropod and telson with their description. Identification of adults are given with their classification, scientific name, common name, distinguish characters, colour, maximum size, their distribution and drawings of species, petasma and thylecum. In some cases photographs and comparative characters of nearer species are also given. The subject is explained with the help of 535 drawings, colour photographs and 30 tables. In this book identification of 78 Marine water prawn and 28 freshwater shrimps totaling 106 prawn and shrimp species are given. The subject of the book is justified using more than 90 references. Different parameters like site selection, design and construction of culture pond, type of soil, stocking, feed nutrition requirement, feed preparation, method and quantity of feed distribution and major diseases in commercial cultured prawn/shrimp are given. Culture method in details of marine prawn as well as freshwater shrimp is given. Details of selection of prawn/shrimp species and ingredients of feed preparation considering local condition are also explained. In this book the requirement of syllabus for B.F.Sc and M.F.Sc. approved by I.C.A.R. is also looked into with respect to the subject of this book. This will help to students, teachers and research workers as well as the supervisors of prawn/shrimp culture farms.
Table of Contents
List of Figures
1. Introduction
2. Identification of Mysis stages
3. Identification of Post Larvae Stages
4. Field Identification
5. Identification of Adult Prawn/Shrimp
6. Culture Systemand Guidelines for Culture
7. Site Selectionfor Shrimp Farming
8. Pond Preparation
9. Selection of Species for Culture
10. Freshwater Prawn Farming
11. Marine Prawn Fishery and Culture
12. Shrimp Feed and itsManagement
13. Important Prawn Diseases and their Treatment
1. Black spot or brown spot or burnt spotdisease
2. Browngill
3. Orangegill
4. Redgill
5. Blackgill, Prevention, Treatment
6. Milk or cotton disease Identification, Causing agents,Prevention,treatment
7. Cramped tail disease, Identification, Prevention
8. Chronic soft shelling, Identification,Causing agent, Prevention, Treatment
9. Blue disease, Identification, Causing agents, Prevention treatment
10. Ectocommensal fouling disease,Causing agents, Identification,Prevention, Treatment
11. Tail rot disease, Causing agents,Identification, Prevention,Treatment
12. Yellow head disease, Identification, Prevention, Treatment
13. Red disease, Identification, Causing agent, Prevention.Treatment
14. Crooked leg disease, Identification, Causing agents, Prevention, Treatment
15. Black splinter disease,Identification, Causing agents,Prevention, Treatment
16. Brown muscle syndrome,Identification, Prevention
17. Black death disease, Identification, Causing agents, Prevention
18. Change in eye colour, Identification
19. Diseasesaffected by Virus
20. Disease affected by bacteria
21. Disease affected by protozoa
22. Disease affected by worms
23. Non-infectious disease
24. Change in Eye colour