Industrial Poultry Keeping

by Edward Brown

ISBN: 9789359199313
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Imprint : Agri Horti Press
Year : 2025
Price : Rs. 5295.00
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About The Book

• This book is designed to aid the beginner as well as the established poultry market and may serve as a reference fool. • It also covers poultry diseases production and its management. • This book is essential reading for students, teachers, researchers as well as person engaged industrial poultry keeping.

Table of Contents

Preface v 1. Introduction 1 2. Commencing 6 3. Breeds of Domestic Poultry 14 4. Houses and Buns 21 5. Hints on Breeding Poultry 35 6. Sitting Hens and the Hatching of Chickens 41 7. Chicken-Rearing 52 8. Feeding and Fattening 66 9. Duck, Geese, and Turkey Breeding 78 10. General Management and Diseases 89 11. Marketing the Produce 101 Index 107