Pests of Fruit Crops in Kashmir: An Illustrated Colour Handbook
by Shahid Ali Akbar, Desh Beer Singh, Javid Iqbal Mir, Aijaz Ahmad Wachkoo, Aamir Maqbool
ISBN: 9789359199009
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2025
Price : Rs. 6095.00
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Author Profile
Dr. Shahid Ali Akbar M.Sc./Ph.D./NET/NPDF/YS is currently working in the Plant Protection Division, Entomology section of the Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture, India (ICAR-CITH). He is actively engaged in systematic studies on Indian insects and bio-rational pest management strategies. He has to his credit published work with many of the national and international journals of reputed publishing houses.
Prof. Desh Beer Singh M.Sc./Ph.D./ARS/NET is currently working as the Director, Central Institute of Temperate Horticuluture, Srinagar . As a researcher, he has to his credits, number of patents with regard to novel temperate fruit varieties and postharvest techniques. He is also credited with setting up several collaborative working proposals with number of countries. He has authored number of publications in leading national and international journals. A distinguished scientist, an environmentalist, and a philanthropist.
Dr. Javid Iqbal Mir Sr. Scientist/M.Sc./Ph.D./ARS/NET is presently working as Scientist-ARS Biotechnology at ICAR-CITH centre. He joined ICAR as an ARS Scientist in the year 2005 and during 13 years of his scientific service has contributed significantly as a researcher. He has published more than 70 research papers, eight books, fifteen extension bulletins and more than 45 book chapters. He has also developed and released nine varieties in temperate horticultural crops like walnut, apricot, cherry and garlic for the benefit of farmers and consumers. He is the recipient of many awards like Outstanding Achievement Awards.
Dr. Aijaz Ahmad Wachkoo M.Sc./Ph.D./NET/PDF/AP currently posted as an Assistant Professor (Zoology) at GDC Shopian, did his M.Sc. from University of Kashmir and Ph.D. from Punjabi University. He has also been a DS Kothari Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Kashmir besides having the distinction to qualify NET (CSIR/UGC); NET (ICAR/ASRB); SET and GATE. He has also qualified UPSC for the post of Assistant Professor.
Mr. Amir Maqbool M.Sc./M.Phil./NET/SET/AP currently working as an Assistant Professor (Zoology) in Department of Higher Education, Government of Jammu and Kashmir, India, also worked as a Curator at Zoological Museum, University of Kashmir. He is a passionate biology student with much love for insect taxonomy. He has a well defined personal insect collection and spends lot of time in documentation of insects of Western Himalayas.
About The Book
On the onset the book provides overview on the main horticultural fruit crops of the Kashmir region (India) with details on production, productivity across various districts of the region and a comparison with the global standards. Pest spectrum of these major crops is then discussed as one of their major constraints on production; similar pest associations can also be found throughout the temperate region of India, and some of these pests even pose serious problems on fruit crops worldwide. Major pest species are illustrated, described and detailed for their economic losses, nature of damage, seasonality and management strategies. Illustrations provided in the book will serve as an essential reference source for professionals, extension workers, consultants, scientists, students, fruit growers and private gardeners. Some of the most prevalent natural enemies are also detailed in order to promote their effective usage in any future biological control program. A tabulated account of the known major, minor and emerging pest species as well as the account of all the prevalent natural enemies is provided based on both the critical review of the scientific literature, and data generated by the authors from various field surveys. We believe that unless a farmer acquires basic knowledge about identification of these pests, their time of appearance, peak period of incidence, nature and extent of damage, it is not possible for him to resort to appropriate and effective control measures. With such considerations we have aimed to provide an easy to understand pictorial pest field guide that will be of some help to the stakeholders.
Table of Contents
Foreword v
Preface vii
1. Major Fruit Crops of the Kashmir region 1
2. Major Insect Pests Associated with the Regional Fruit Crops 15
Apple Leaf Miner – Anar Butterfly – Apple Stem and Root Borer –
Blackheaded Fireworm – Blossom Thrips – Chaffer Beetle/White Grub
– Codling Moth – European Red Mite – Flat Headed Borer – Flea Beetle –
Grapes Borer – Green Apple Aphid – Gypsy Moth – Knot Grass Moth – Large
Walnut Aphid – Lecanium Scale – Mealy Plum Aphid – Oriental Fruit Fly
– Oriental Fruit Moth – Peach Leaf Curl Aphid – Peach Stem Aphid – Pear
Psyllid – Pomegranate Aphid – San Jose Scale – Saperdini Wood Borer –
Shot Hole Borer – Small Walnut Aphid – Spotted Wing Drosophila – Tent
Caterpillar – Two Spotted Spider Mite – Walnut Erineum Mite – Walnut
Fruit Borer – Walnut Scale – Walnut Weevil – Woolly Apple Aphid.
3. Other Associated Pest Species 109
Walnut Sting Bug – Almond Capsid Bug – Pea Leaf Miner – Almond Mealy
Bug – Apple Leaf Hopper – Apple Rust Mite – Firebug – Meadow Bug – Red
Squash Bug – Walnut Blue Butterfly – Walnut Husk Fly – Indian Meal Moth
– Saw Toothed Grain Beetle – Rice Moth – Wood Borer – Apricot Chalcid
4. Biological Control 119
5. Insects as Biocontrol Agents 123
Coccinellids/Ladybird Beetles – Adalia tetraspilota Hope, 1831 –
Aiolocaria hexaspilota Hope, 1831 – Chilocorus bijugus Mulsant, 1853 –
Coccinella septempunctata Linnaeus, 1758 – Coccinella undecimpunctata
Linnaeus, 1758 – Harmonia eucharis Mulsant, 1853 – Oenopia
conglobata Linnaeus, 1758 – Pharoscymnus flexibilis kashmirensis Kapur,
1956 – Platynaspidius saundersi Crotch, 1874 – Priscibrumus uropygialis
Mulsant, 1853 – Simmondsius pakistanensis Ahmad and Ghani, 1966 –
Stethorus gangliiformis Li, Chen and Ren, 2013 – Syrphid Flies/Hoverflies
– Parasitic Hymenopterans
6. Other Predators 139
Anthocorid Bugs/Minute Pirate Bugs – Dustywings – Green Lacewing
Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens, 1836) – Checkered Beetles – Reduviid/
Ambush Bugs – Spiders.
7. Rational Approach 143
References 145
Index 159