Normal and Therapeutic Nutrition

by Neelam Khetarpaul, Sudha Katyal, Vipul Khetarpaul

ISBN: 9789359197982
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2025
Price : Rs. 20095.00
Biblio : viii+574

Author Profile

Professor Neelam Khetarpaul, presently working as ICAR Emeritus Professor (Foods and Nutrition), also former Dean (COHS), Associate Director (Farm Advisory Service) and (Home Science) and HOD (Foods and Nutrition) at CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar is the recipient of many awards viz., Distinguished Teacher Award, Young Investigator Award, Ms. Manju Utreja Gold Medal and cash award for doing the best research work in the University and Best Research Paper Awards on many occasions by many scientific organizations. She is the recipient of various Visiting Fellowship Abroad funded by different national and international agencies and visited USA, Australia, UK, Hungary, the Netherlands, Ghana, Benin, Ecuador etc. for academic pursuits. She was the Country Coordinator of Indo-Tailoring Biotechnologies Project Programme (2007-2012). Dr. Sudha Katyal, Professor and Principal of Government Home Science College, Chandigarh, is State Awardee for her outstanding performance, dedication and contribution in successful implementation of Poshan Abhiyaan in Chandigarh. She has been felicitated with a number of awards for Appreciation/Outstanding Contribution/ Excellence by various Govt. Departments of Chandigarh Administration viz. Deptt. of Social Welfare of Women and Child Development, Deptt. of Election, Environment, Chandigarh Commission for Protection of Child Rights and State Legal Services Authority besides a number of educational societies of Chandigarh and Punjab. She is the member of various State level Committees of U. T. Chandigarh and Punjab in the field of Higher Education, Early Childhood Education, Mid-Day Meal, Right to Education Act, to name a few. She has authored a number of books, chaired various national and international seminars. Under her dynamic leadership, Govt. Home Science College Chandigarh topped amongst Chandigarh Colleges twice in a row and bagged 72nd and 86th position at National Level in NIRF Rankings released by MHRD in 2019 and 2020, respectively. Dr. Vipul Khetarpaul graduated with distinction in the MBBS degree from KMC, Manipal University, and scored the highest marks in Manipal University. He is the recipient of various prestigious gold medals, prizes and awards. He did Masters in Surgery and Fellowship in Vascular Surgery from Washington University, St. Louis, USA. Presently, he is working as Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Washington University, School of Medicine in St. Louis, MO, USA. He has keen interest in human nutrition and is the co-author of two more books on Human Nutrition and presented various research papers on role of nutrition in degenerative diseases at various platforms.

About The Book

As you all know that nutrition is the core of human health. The type of diet in everday life, we eat has a direct and significant impact on our health. Eating a healthy balanced diet improves the quality of our life, whereas a poor diet may lead to morbidity and disease. This book has been divided into two units. Unit I provides comprehensive overview of basic principles of meal planning, use of food pyramid in meal planning, RDAs, food exchanges, balanced diets for various age groups and nutrition across human life span. Different aspects of normal human nutrition i.e. foods and nutrients required and planning balanced diets during various phases of life including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescent, adulthood and old age have been covered. In the Unit II, key information about therapeutic nutrition i.e. principles of diet therapy, various kinds of dietary modifications in disease conditions, enteral and parenteral feeding, nutrition screening and nutrition assessment of hospitalized patients, types of diets to be planned during various diseases e.g. diseases of liver, pancreas, gall bladder, GIT, kidney, heart etc., food hypersensitivity, inherited metabolic disorders etc. has been provided in detail. In this Unit, knowledge about what kind of diet should be provided during obesity, underweight, surgery, burn condition, febrile conditions caused by infectious diseases may be due to bacteria and virus (COVID-19) has been given. A topic on nutrition for sports persons has also been covered. This book is a ready reference and an indispensable resource for students, academicians, dietitians, hospital professionals and anyone who is interested to learn about the role of human nutrition in health and disease.

Table of Contents

Preface v Unit 1 1. Basic Principles of Meal Planning 3 2. Planning Meals for Individuals and Family 11 3. Food Groups and their Use in Meal Planning 17 4. Use of Food Guide Pyramids in Formulation of Balanced Diets 27 5. Recommended Dietary Allowances 33 6. Food Exchanges 37 7. Nutrition during Adulthood 45 8. Nutrition during Pregnancy 59 9. Nutrition during Lactation 73 10. Nutrition during Infancy 87 11. Nutrition during Childhood 107 12. Nutrition during Adolescence 123 13. Nutrition during Old Age 131 Unit 2 14. Principles of Diet Therapy 145 15. Therapeutic Adaptations of Normal Diet 149 16. Nutrition Screening and Nutrition Assessment of Hospitalized Patients 155 17. Specialized Feeding Methods for Hospitalized Patients-Enteral Feeding 165 18. Parenteral Feeding 189 19. Diet in Infections and Fevers 205 20. Medical Nutrition Therapy and Diet in Diabetes Mellitus 235 21. Diet in Cardiovascular Diseases 261 22. Diet in Gastrointestinal Disorders 301 23. Diet in Diseases of Liver and Pancreas 351 24. Diet in Diseases of Kidney 377 25 Diet in Obesity and Underweight 417 26. Diet in Cancer 447 27. Food Hypersensitivity 467 28. Inherited Metabolic Disorders 491 29. Sports Nutrition 509 30. COVID-19, Nutrition, Immunity and Diet 527 31. Role of Dietitians and Nutritionists 539 Appendices 545 References 556 Index 561