Problems in Aquaculture and its Solutions
by Gadadhar Dash
ISBN: 9789359197340
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2025
Price : Rs. 13895.00
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Author Profile
Dr. Gadadhar Dash is presently working as Professor & Head in the Department of Aquatic Animal Health, Faculty of Fishery Sciences, West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, Kolkata, West Bengal, India. He has completed his M.F.Sc., degree as a Gold Medallist from Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology and did his Ph.D. from Kalyani University, West Bengal. He has total 26 years of experience out of which, 23Years of service in teaching, research and extension at UG, PG and Ph.D. level in the present University. Also he has served as an Officer to Dept. Fisheries, Govt. of Odisha and Krisha Vigyan Kendra of Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology, Odisha before joining to this University. He has published two books on Fisheries Parasitology, 3 laboratory Manuals and 7 Training Manuals. He has published 09 Chapters in different books, has guided 27 nos. of Master degree students,2 Ph.D. students and handled 3 Research Projects and conducted many Workshops, Training Programmes on Fish health Management and Disease diagnosis. He has trained approximately 50,000 fish and Shrimp farmers of West Bengal and other states through various funding agencies such as NSPAAD, DST, DRDA, DBT, NFDB, DRDC,CADC, ATMA, SDB ,NABARD and ICAR (NAE) . He is well-known in popularizing scientific fish culture in West Bengal and adjacent States of India. He is a reviewer of many reputed Journals and Expert Member of Several Committee. He has published more than 107 Research papers of National and International Repute and more than 60 Popular articles. He has good abroad exposure with regard to fisheries activity. He is a Fellow of Zoological Society of India and received many prestigious Awards such as Best Teacher Award, Dr. S.P. Gupta Gold Medal Award, Best Performer Award, Best Parenting Award and Reviewer Excellence Award etc.
About The Book
The present book entitled “The Problems in Aquaculture and its Solutions” is a need based document and can solve the queries in the mind of students, teachers, researchers and the farming community in general. This is the outcome of cumulative years of my experience with the fish/shrimp farming community of West Bengal, Odisha, Bihar, Chattishgarh, Assam, Tripura, Jharkhand and Haryana etc. Aquaculture is a problematic science and needs to be addressed in line with the local condition. The book comprises of 32 different chapters of multiple areas , which needs proper knowledge for its solutions. The different chapters of varying arena are nothing but the associated problems of fish/shrimp culture. The last chapter is very much interesting and these are the number of queries of a enthusiastic minds and the ready answers for it. Many chapters are enriched with illustrated photographs for better understanding. The graphs and the statistical datas/ information are updated and have been used at appropriate places. I tried to emphasize much on various problems and also the solutions for it. While solving various issues in Aquaculture in the farmer's field I come across with these type of associated problems and that has prompted me to go for preparing this manuscript. It took good number of years for me to accumulate all these ideas and place it in one arranged format and proceed for publication. My practical experience with farming sector has inspired and taught me to go for documenting these contents for future generations. I hope this will be a ready reference for the Students, Researchers, Teachers , Officers of the concerned Departments, Policy makers and the Farmers in general.
Table of Contents
Foreword v
Preface vii
Abbreviations xi
1. Problems of Stocking Density and its Solution 1
2. Environmental Hazards in Aquaculture 27
3. Fish Poison: Its Prospects, Problems and Solutions 41
4. Fish Pond Management 53
5. Leech Problems in Fish Ponds 65
6. Problems Caused by Snails and its Solutions 71
7. Use of Aqua Drugs: A Boon or Bane in India 77
8. Problems of Predatory Fishes in Culture Units 101
9. Risks in Aquaculture 111
10. Role of Ichthyophagus Birds on Culture Based Fisheries
in Aqua Sector: Their Preservation and Control 125
11. Current Issues in Aquaculture Welfare 143
12. Problems of Undrainable Ponds 169
13. Poaching Problems and its Solution in Aquaculture 199
14. Water Losses in Ponds and its Remedy 207
15. Algal Problems in Aquaculture and its Remedy 217
16. Problems of Flooding in Ponds and its Solution 233
17. Comparative Study of Drugs 239
18. Comparative Study of Common Fish Food and its
Use in Aquaculture 249
19. Herbal Uses and its Limitations in Aquaculture 261
20. Turbidity Problems and its Permanent Solutions 271
21. Problems of Pesticide and its Solutions in Aquaculture 279
22. Problems of Heavy Metals and their Remedy 283
23. Biofertilizers: Its Role and Problems 293
24. Jute Retting and its Problems in Aquaculture 301
25. Problems Related to Fish and Shrimp Seed and an Insight to it 305
26. Problems in Quality Seed Production and
Broodstock Health Management in Aquaculture 313
27. Fish Seed Certification Problems and its Future Perspective 327
28. Pond Bottom Soil: Its Problems and Remedies 333
29. Problems of Snakes, Livestock and other Aquatic Animals 343
30. Shrimp Toilet: The Concept, Design and Utility–
A Solution to L. vennamei Culture Problems 349
31. Pond Automation: A Novel Ideal for Risk Management
in Shrimp Culture 355
32. Frequently Asked Questions in Aqua Science 361
Index 379