Innovations in Agriculture: Diffusion to Disruption to Degrowth
by R.M. Prasad
ISBN: 9789359196701
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2025
Price : Rs. 11695.00
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Author Profile
Dr. R.M. Prasad retired as Associate Director of Extension from Kerala Agricultural University (KAU). He had his Bachelors and Masters' degree in Agriculture from KAU and Agricultural Extension from UAS, Bangalore. He served KAU for more than 32 years in various positions and was the Professor and Head of Communication Centre and also Head of Central Training Institute, KAU. His areas of interest are Technology transfer, S & T interventions, Convergence, HRD and Skill development. Dr. Prasad is the Life Member of Indian Society of Extension Education (ISEE) and Indian Society of Training and Development (ISTD). Dr Prasad had served as Advisor, Government of Meghalaya, Agricultural Consultant for ADB and as Senior Fellow in NIRD, Hyderabad. He also served as Training Specialist in two European Union funded projects in Kerala. He was also the National Facilitator of MANAGE, Hyderabad and had served as Member of Sub Group on Agricultural Extension of the Planning Commission, GOI for the 11th and 12th Five Year Plans.
About The Book
This book is an attempt to familiarize the readers with the concept of innovation and its various dimensions and the changing views on innovation in the field of agriculture. Beginning with the diffusion of technological innovations, the scenario gradually paved way for prominence of disruptive innovations and presently, degrowth innovations are emerging as relevant in agriculture. The book is primarily targeted to students of Agriculture and allied fields, focused on students of Extension education. It is expected that the general public will also find this publication useful to gain an awareness about the different dimensions of innovations in the field of agriculture. The students preparing for the competitive examinations will also find this book quite useful.
Table of Contents
Foreword v
Preface ix
Acronyms xvii
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Innovation Defined; 1.2 Meaning of Innovation; 1.3.Types of
Innovation; 1.4. Doblin’s 10 Types of Innovation; 1.5.Fields of Innovation;
1.6. Novelty of Innovation; 1.7. Innovation Process; 1.8. Four P’s of
Innovation Strategy; 1.9.Eight P’s of Innovation; 1.10. Innovation and
Development; 1.11. Challenges of Innovation; 1.12. Innovations in
Agriculture; 1.13. Organization of the Book; References
2. Evolution and Dynamics of Innovation Process 19
2.1. Innovation as a Process; 2.2. Design Thinking as a Strategy for
Innovation; 2.3. Generic Framework for Designing the Innovation
Process; 2.4. Forms of Innovation; 2.5. Risks of Innovation; 2.6. Scaling
Up Innovation; References
3. Innovation Ecosystem 49
3.1. Definitions; 3.2. Functions of Innovation Ecosystem; 3.3. Brief History
of Innovation Policy in India; 3.4. Innovation Ecosystem in India; 3.5.
Key Actors in Indian Innovation Ecosystem; 3.6. Innovation Ecosystem
in Agriculture Sector; 3.7. Enabling Environment for Innovations in
Agriculture; 3.8. Innovations for Rural India; 3.9. India Innovation
Index (III); 3.10. Global Innovation Index (GII); 3.11. Other Innovation
Initiatives; 3.12. Organisations Related to Innovations in Agriculture ;
3.13. Challenges of Indian Innovation Ecosystem; References
4. Diffusion of Technological Innovations in Agriculture 83
4.1. Meaning of Diffusion ; 4.2. Concept of Innovation Diffusion; 4.3.
Adopter Categories; 4.4. Diffusion of Innovation Process; 4.5. Process
of Adoption; 4.6. Diffusion and Adoption; 4.7. Theories of Innovation
Diffusion; 4.8. Application of the Diffusion of Innovations (DOI) Approach
in Extension; 4.9. Attributes of Innovation; 4.10. Social networks in
diffusion of innovations; 4.11. Barriers to Adoption of Innovations; 4.12.
Rethinking Adopter Categories; 4.13. What is Wrong with Diffusion
of Innovation Theory?; 4.14. Studies Defying Rogers’ DOI Theory:
Implications ; 4.15. Issues Related to Innovation and Diffusion Studies;
5. Disruptive Innovations in Agriculture 117
5.1. Types of Innovation ; 5.2. Time Line of Major Works on Disruptive
Innovations; 5.3. Requirements for Disruptive Innovation; 5.4. Disruptive
Technologies in Agriculture; 5.5.Transformative Disruptive Technology
Innovations in Agriculture; 5.6. Smart Innovation in Agriculture; 5.7.
Recent Disruptive Innovations yet to Become Popular; 5.8. NITI Aayog
and Disruptive Innovation ; 5.9. Risks to Disruptive Innovation and
Technology; 5.10. Disintermediation and Uberization in Agriculture;
5.11. Indian Digital Ecosystem of Agriculture (IDEA) ; 5.12. Challenges
of Digital Agriculture ; 5.13. Barriers in Scaling Up Digital Innovations;
5.14. Developing Digital Trust; 5.15. Reverse Innovation; 5.16. Studies of
Disruptive Innovations: Implications for Extension; References; ;
6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Agriculture 155
6.1. Creativity in Entrepreneurship; 6.2. Sources of Innovation in
Entrepreneurship; 6.3. Technology Entrepreneurship; 6.4. Innovation and
Technology; 6.5. Technology Ecosystem Model; 6.6. Entrepreneurship and
Social Capital; 6.7. Business Innovations in Agriculture; 6.8. Developing
Entrepreneurship in Agriculture; 6.9. Agri Startups; References
7. Degrowth Innovations in Agriculture 185
7.1. Degrowth Movement ; 7.2. Goals of Degrowth; 7.3. Sources of
Degrowth Theories; 7.4. Roots of Degrowth Movement ; 7.5. Degrowth
and Technological Innovations; 7.6. Innovations in Degrowth-Successful
Cases; 7.7. Business Model Innovation for Degrowth ; 7.8. Research
Agenda on Agrarian Degrowth; 7.9. Cuban Agriculture as a Classic
Case for Degrowth; 7.10. Natural Farming as a Degrowth Movement;
7.11.Concept of Social Innovation from a Degrowth Perspective; 7.12.
Institutional Innovation and Degrowth: A Case Study; 7.13. Green
Growth as Degrowth; 7.14. Sustainable Transitions in Agriculture; 7.15.
Conservation Agriculture as a Degrowth Phenomenon; 7.16. Climate
Change and Degrowth Strategy ; 7.17. Studies on Degrowth Innovations
in Agriculture; References
8. Innovation Management and Innovation Intermediaries
in Agriculture 217
8.1. Meaning of Innovation Management; 8.2. Key Elements of Innovation
Management; 8.3. Factors Affecting Successful Innovation; 8.4. Innovation
Intermediary; 8.5. Farmers’ Organisations as Innovation Intermediaries;
9. Innovations in Science of Delivery Related to
Extension Services 241
9.1. Introduction; 9.2. Principles of the Science of Delivery; 9.3.
Innovations in Service Delivery in Agriculture; 9.4. Role of Extension
Education in Innovations in Service Delivery; 9.5. Models of Extension
Service Delivery; 9.6. Extension Service as Innovation Brokers
; 9.7. Extension System as Ecosystem Orchestrators; 9.8. National
Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP); 9.9. Need for More Effective
Commercialization ; 9.10. Demand Driven Innovation; 9.11. Innovation
Platforms ; 9.12. Institutional Innovations in Service Delivery in
Agriculture; 9.13. Service Delivery Framework; 9.14. Extension System
and Innovation for Development ; 9.15. Paradigm Shift Needed in
Agricultural Research and Technology for Better Service Delivery; 9.16.
Inclusive Innovation in Agriculture; 9.17. Responsible Innovation in
Agriculture; References
10. Epilogue 277
10.1. Innovation Process ; 10.2. Innovations in Agriculture; 10.3
Innovative Methodology for Extension Service Delivery; 10.4. Suggestions
for Innovation Research in Agricultural Extension; References
Annexures 287
Index 309