Land Draining: A Handbook for Farmers

by Manly Miles

ISBN: 9789359196169
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Imprint : Agri Horti Press
Year : 2025
Price : Rs. 7295.00
Biblio : viii+200., figs., tabls., ind., 25 cm

About The Book

This book is an effort to give simple and concise information about the aspects relevant to land draining. The book consists of 11 chapters. Efforts have been made to incorporate information or principles, walls in soils and conservation of energy, rainfall, drainage and evaporation, energy in evaporation, advantages of draining retentive soils, progress of discovery and invention, location and plans of drains, quality and size of tiles, how to make tile drains, drains in quick sand and peat and outlets and obstructions. In this handbook for farmers, the aim has been to present the leading facts of practical significance, in connection with a popular discussion of the applications of science and the results of experiments relating to draining have been summarized in tables in convenient form for reference. It is hoped that the book will be quite useful reference to students, teachers and researcher of agriculture, agricultural engineering, agronomy and those who are involved in land drainage.