Injurious and Useful Insects: An Introduction to Economic Entomology

by L. C. Miall

ISBN: 9789359195773
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Imprint : Agri Horti Press
Year : 2025
Price : Rs. 9595.00
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About The Book

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to this extraordinary diversity, and places entomology central to the theory and practice of injurious and useful insects. It provides diagrams, tables and various features for easy understanding and better retention. This book is valuable guide for students, teachers and person engaged in the field of fields of ecology, agriculture, fisheries and forestry, palaeontology, zoology, and medical and veterinary science.

Table of Contents

PART I PRELIMINARY LESSONS I . What is an Insect ? • • • • 3-5 2. (Practical.) The External Parts ofan Insect (Cockroach) . 6-12 3. (Practical.) The Mouth-parts of an Orthopterous Insect (Cockroach) . . . . . 12-15 4. (Practical.) Dissection of a Cockroach 15-21 PART II LESSONS ON COMMON INSECTS, CHIEFLY SUCH AS ARE EITHER INJURIOUS OR USEFUL TO MAN 5. The Cockchafer (Melolontlza vulgaris) . .25-32 6. A Carnivorous Water-Beetle (Dytiscus marginalis) . .32-37 7. Wire-Worms and Click-Beetles (various species of Agriotes, especially A. lineatus) 37-39 8. The Turnip-Flea. (Plzyllotreta nemorum) 39-42 9. Lady-Birds ( Coccinellidre) 42-44 10. The Garden-Weevil (Otiorh.ynclzus) . 44-47 11. The Elm-bark Beetle (Scolytus destructor) 47-50 12. (Practical.) Dissection of a Caterpillar . 51-55 13. (Practical.) How to inflate a Caterpillar and set a Moth 55-58 14. The Tiger-Moth (Arctia caja) , 58-62 15. Cabbage White Butterflies (Pzerzs) 62-62 16. The Goat-Moth ( Cossus ligniperda) . 62-68 17. The Silkworm (Bombyx mori) 68-77 18. The Vapourer-Moth (Orgyia antiqua) 77-81 19. The Hive-Bee (Apis mellifica) . 82-94 20. The Gooseberry Saw-Fly (N~matus rz"besii) 94-98 21. The Wood-Wasp (Sirex) . 99-102 22. Ichneumons and their Allies . 102-109 23. The Harlequin-Fly ( Chironomus) . . 110-121 24. (Practical.) The Development of an Insect ( C hironom us) 122-125 25. Gnats ( Culex) 125-129 26. The Crane-Fly ( Tipula oleracea and allied species) . 129-132 27. The Hessian-Fly (Cecidomyia destructor) 133-136 28. (Practical.) The Structure of the Blow-Fly ( Calliphora erythrocephala or C. vomiton"a) . 136-144 29. The Bot-Fly of the Horse (Gastrophilus equi) 144-149 30. The Warble-Fly (Hypoden11a bovis) . 149-152 31. (a) The Turnip Aphis (Rhopalosiphum dianthi) (b) The Woolly Aphis (Schizoneura lanigera) (c) The Phylloxera of the Vine (Phylloxera vastatrix) 153-162 32. The Mussel-Scale of the Apple-Tree (Mytilaspis pomormn) 162-165 33. Caddis-Worms and Caddis-Flies ( Trichoptera) 166-168 34. May-Flies (Ephemerirk) 168-171 35. Dragon-Flies (Odonata) . . 171-175 36. Three Common Orthopterous Insects 175-181