Textbook on Forest Management in Agriculture Horticulture and Forestry

by M R K Jerram

ISBN: 9789359195063
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Imprint : Agri Horti Press
Year : 2025
Price : Rs. 5895.00
Biblio : x+156p., tbles., figs., ind 25 cm

About The Book

Forest management is the process of planning and implementing practices for the stewardship and use of forests to need specific environmental, economic, social and cultural objectives. It deals with the administrative, economic , legal, social, technical and scientific aspects of managing natural and plant forests. In this book subject matter has been presented through fifteen chapters and three Parts to clearly specify different topics for convenience of the readers. The first general part briefly explains the preliminary matters relating to regulation of the yield. The next part deals with preparation and control of a working plant. The third part describes the forest finance. Term used in the forest management has been appended at the end for ready reference. The book will be of immense value for students, teachers, researchers and professionals working on forest management.