Analysis of Milk and Its Products: A Lab Manual 2nd edn

by Milk Industry Foundation

ISBN: 9789359194851
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Imprint : Biotech
Year : 2025
Price : Rs. 22795.00
Biblio : xx+629p., 141 figs., tabls., appendices, ind., 23 cm

About The Book

This is the second edition of a manual that has achieved a distinguished place in the dairy industry and has rendered a service to the industry throughout the world. The general form of presentation of the text has been retained but the material has been rearranged under a greater number of chapter headings to provide more clarity and to facilitate ease in locating the various topics when using the manual. A consistent effort has been made to cite the best available reference material for the contents of all chapters. The book divided into 7 parts and 43 chapters along with appendix. This well illustrated book will satisfy its readers requirements and form a valuable book for all those concerned with milk industry and utilisation of their products. Contents Part I: Organization of a Dairy Laboratory; Chapter 1: The Milk Control Laboratory, Routine control measures, Bacteriological equipment, Babcock equipment, Mojonnier equipment; Chapter 2: Suggested Schedule of Routine Laboratory Procedure, Receiving stations and milk processing plants, Creameries, Ice cream plants; Part II: Microbiological Control of Dairy Products; Chapter 3: Agar Plate Counts, Introduction, American Public Health Association standard methods, Preparation of materials, Agar plate count, Gravimetric samples for the agar plate methods, Simplified procedure for making bacteria counts; Chapter 4: Agar Plate Counts on Special Products, Butter, Cheese, Cheese spreads, materials of pasty consistency and fruits, Condensed milk, Cream, Evaporated milk, Granulated materials, Ice cream, Powdered materials; Chapter 5: Determination of Special Types of Organisms, Acidophilus, Brucella, Coliform group, Pathogenic streptococci, Protein digesting bacteria, Ropy milk organisms, Sporogenes test, Thermoduric and thermophilic bacteria; Chapter 6: Determination of Sanitization of Utensils and Equipment, Bacterial counts of containers, Tests for sanitary condition of equipment; Chapter 7: Direct Microscopic Examination of Dairy Products, Market milk, Other dairy products; Chapter 8: Detection of Mastitis, Black cloth or strip cup test, Bromthymol blue test (thybromol test) Catalase test, Field test for chlorides, Quantitative test for chlorides, Direct microscopic test, Hotis test, Whiteside test; Chapter 9: Reduction Tests, Methylene blue test, Modification of the methylene blue technic, Resazurin test; Chapter 10: Special Culture Propagation, Propagation of butter cultures in the bacteriological laboratory, Starter making; Chapter 11: Determination of Yeasts and Molds, Determination in butter, Parson’s method for visual demonstration of mold in cream, Widlman method of detecting mold in butter, Mold mycelia in butter, Practical determination of the keeping quality of butter, Determination of yeasts and mold in soft cheeses, Microbial control of parchment wrappers and liners. Part III: Chemical Control Methods for Dairy Products; Chapter 12: Collection and Care of Samples, Milk and cream, Composi