Fumigation Methods

by Willis G Johnson

ISBN: 9789359193281
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Imprint : Agri Horti Press
Year : 2025
Price : Rs. 11695.00
Biblio : xvi+314 p., figs., tabls., ind., 25 cm

Author Profile

Wills G. Johnson was a Professor of Entomology and Zoology at the Maryland Agricultural College and state entomologist. He also served as an Associate Editor American Agriculturalist Weeklies.

About The Book

The most effective way to reach pests in their most remote hiding is through fumigation, the use of poisonous gases to kill pests in an enclosed area. Unique characteristics and the great adaptability of the fumigation technique, fumigants can often provide effective and economical control where other forms of pest control are not feasible. For the effective use of fumigants in pests control, personnel assigned to fumigation work should acquire thorough instructions on the properties of fumigants and training in safe methods of handling. This book is a practical treatise for farmers, fruit growers, nurserymen, gardeners, florists, millers, grain dealers, transportation companies, college and experiment station workers planners and consultant in crop production.