Fruit and Vegetable Preservation

by R C Bhutani

ISBN: 9789359190556
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Imprint : Biotech
Year : 2024
Price : Rs. 17495.00
Biblio : xiv+485p., figs., tabls., ind., 23 cm

About The Book

This is a comprehensive book useful for the teachers and industry of Horticulture and Food technology. In this book the first priority was given to the industry, in view of the fact that it handles not only the most perishable but also some of the most nutritious food materials which going waste. The fruit and vegetable preservation industry is still in its infancy and the book discuss its problems and trying to solve them. The book is divided into 11 sections, which covering a wide range of topics like: (1) Raw materials including minor fruits and Vegetables their survey, quality (2) Advancements in scientific and technical knowledge of the Indian fruit and vegetable preservation industry (3) Sanitation and microbiological problems in relation to the quality and shelf-life of processes fruit and vegetable products (4) Aditives and preservatives (5) Nutritive value of preserved products (6) Containers (Tin, glass, plastics, paper, etc) for fruit and vegetable products (7) Plant and equipment in the procesing of fruits and vegetables (8) Technical information service and publicity for the Indian fruit and vegetable preservation industry (9) General: Some other aspects of the industry The book will be highly useful for the industrialists, teachers, students and other persons who are interested in preservation of fruits and vegetables. A select bibliography and an exhaustive subject index have been appended to the text.