Textbook of Fluid Mechanics
by Gupta, S K
ISBN: 9789354619328
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2024
Price : Rs. 15095.00
Biblio : xii+418p., tabls., figs., col., ind 25 cm
Author Profile
Dr. S.K. Gupta, Born (1949), is INAE Distinguished Visiting Professor, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal and an independent Research Engineer with specialization in Soil and Water Resources Engineering and Civil Engineering. He obtained B. Tech (Agril. Engg.) from the Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Ludhiana, in 1970 and Master of Agricultural Engineering from the same University in 1976. He obtained Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the Jawahar Lal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India in 1984. Dr. Gupta is Fellow of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Indian National Academy of Engineering and Indian Society of Agricultural Engineering. Since his joining CSSRI in 1971, besides holding scientific positions, he has been Head, Division of Drainage and Water Management, Head, Indo-Dutch Network Project, Head, Division of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering and Project Coordinator (AICRP on Management of Salt Affected Soils and Use of Saline Water in Agriculture). After superannuation,
Dr. Gupta worked as Emeritus Scientist (ICAR) and INAE Distinguished Professor at the same institute.
Dr. Gupta has been engaged in conducting researches in surface and subsurface drainage for land reclamation, irrigation water management, hydrology of salt affected soils, leaching and use of saline water in agriculture. He has published more than 150 research papers in high impact factor journals and published 15 books. Dr. Gupta has been consultant to WAPCOS-Louis Berger, MoWR, MoRD,
UP-Dutch Tube Well Project, Action Aid International, Synergics Hydro India-Oromia Water Works Enterprise, Ethiopia and others. He has been bestowed with Rafi Ahmad Kidwai Award by ICAR. Besides he is recipient of several awards from NAAS, ISAE, IE (India), CBIP and MoWR among other organizations. He is the Chief Editor of Journal of Water Management of the Indian Society of Water Management.
About The Book
Fluid mechanics is an important subject in conventional and non-conventional engineering fields. Listing of engineering disciplines having applications of fluid mechanics may be a daunting task yet the immediate ones that come to mind are: civil, mechanical, electrical, agriculture, dairy, structural, industrial, navel architecture, space and biomedical engineering. While conventional engineers may be interested in its applications to solve industrial problems, space engineers may be interested in designing space shuttles having low resistance, high speeds and high “lift” force. The focus of this book is elements of fluid mechanics having relevance to undergraduate students of agricultural, dairy and civil engineering. The content of this book are as per the Dean’s Committee recommendations for Agriculture and Dairy engineering. Additional chapters have been included to cover the course content taught to civil engineering students of the affiliating universities. The book is divided into three sections with well-defined thirteen chapters. These include: Introduction to fluid mechanics, Pressure and pressure measurement, Archimedes law and stability of floating bodies, Fluid kinematics and visualization, Fluid dynamics: mass and energy conservation, Flow measurement: weirs notches and orifices, Open channel flow, Pipe flow, Hydraulic losses in pipes, Dimensional analysis and similitude, Introduction to fluid machinery, Reciprocating pumps and Hydrodynamic pumps. The book is in simple and easy to understand english. The book is highly illustrated. Both theory and objective type questions have been included for the benefit of the students. The author believes that the book should prove to be a valuable textbook to students and staff of engineering colleges across disciplines. It can prove to be a valuable academic asset for libraries of colleges and universities world wide.
Table of Contents
Preface v
1. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics 1
Introduction - Fluid Statics - Fluid Kinematics/Dynamics - Fluid Continuum
- Brief History - Why Study Fluid Mechanics – Fluids - Fluid Characteristics
- Density - Specific Gravity or Relative Density - Specific Weight - Specific
Volume – Viscosity - Newton Law of Viscosity - Vapour Pressure - Surface
Tension - Factors Affecting Surface Tension - Cohesion and Adhesion – Capillarity
– Compressibility - Temperature - Dimensions and Units - Systems of Units -
Questions (Theory)
2. Pressure and Pressure Measurement 29
What is Pressure - Hydrostatic Law – Proof - Gauge Pressure and Absolute
Pressure - Gauge Pressure - Absolute Pressure - Pascal’s Law – Theorem -
Applications - Hydrostatic Forces on Submerged Surfaces - Plane Horizontal
Surface - Plane Vertical Surface - Plane Inclined Surface - Curved Surfaces
- Pressure Measurement – Manometers - Simple Manometer: Piezometer -
U-tube Manometer - Differential Manometers - Well Type Manometers - Micro-
Manometer - Multi-Fluid Manometer - Manometric Fluid - Simple Mercury
Barometer - Aneroid Barometer - Electromechanical Gauges - Bourdon Tube
Pressure Gauge - Diaphragm Gauges - Pressure Transducers - Pressure Sensitive
Paints (PSP) - Electrical Resistance Gauges - Vacuum Gauges- Questions
3. Archimedes Law and Stability of Floating Bodies 69
Buoyancy - Archimedes Law - Fully Submerged Body - Floating Body -
Fundamentals of Stability - Center of Gravity - Center of Buoyancy – Metacenter
– Stability - Submerged Bodies - Metacentric Height - Questions (Theory)
4. Fluid Kinematics and Visualization 87
What is Fluid Kinematics - Method of Describing Fluid Motion -Lagrangian
Description - Eulerian Description - Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian Description
-The Material Derivative - Flow Visualization- Streamline - Streak Line - Path
Line - Time Line - Surface Flow Visualization - Particle Tracer Methods - Optical
Methods - Analytical Methods - Texture Advection Methods - Plots of Data -
Kinematic Description in Fluid Mechanics - Reynolds Transport Theorem - Types
of Flow - Steady and Unsteady Flow - Uniform and Non-Uniform Flow - Steady
Uniform and Steady Non-Uniform Flow - Unsteady Uniform and Unsteady Non-
Uniform Flow - Compressible and Incompressible Flow - Pressurized and Gravity
Flow - One, Two and Three Dimensional Flows - Rotational and Irrotational
Flows - Laminar Flow - Turbulent Flow - Transition Flow - Reynolds Number -
Stream Function - Flow Nets - Structure of a Flow Net - Construction of a Flow
Net – Calculations - Questions (Theory)
5. Fluid Dynamics: Mass and Energy Conservation 113
Continuity Equation - Continuity Equation: Differential Form - Continuity
Equation: Integral Form - Continuity Equation: Cylindrical Polar Coordinates -
Bernoulli’s Theorem – Derivation - Euler and Bernoulli Equations - Stagnation
Pressure - Hydraulic and Energy Grade Lines - Principle of a Hydraulic Siphon
- Applications of Bernoulli’s Equation - Pitot Tube - Pitot-Static Tube - Venturi
Meter - Discharge Formula - Volume Flow Rate - Venturi Meter Fitted in a
Slanting Pipe - Flow Through Nozzle – Power – Rotameter – Construction -
Principle of Working - Types of Rotameters - Questions (Theory)
6. Flow Measurement: Weirs Notches and Orifices 145
Introduction - Irrigation Sector and Flow Measurement - Unit of Measurement -
Methods of Discharge Measurement – Notch – Weir – Classification - Derivation
of Discharge Equations - Rectangular Weir - Coefficient of Discharge for
Rectangular Weir Francis Formula - Submerged Weir - V-Notch - Trapezoidal
Weir –Compound Weirs- Ogee Weir- Orifice - Hydraulic Coefficients - Vena
Contracta - Discharge Equation - Partially Submerged Orifice - Time of Emptying
a Circular Horizontal Tank – Mouthpieces - External Cylindrical Mouthpiece
- Internal Cylindrical Mouthpiece - Convergent Mouthpiece - Convergent-
Divergent Mouthpiece - Water Level Gauges - Non-Self-Registering Gauges - The
Float Gauges - Transparent Circular Gauges - Long Transparent Gauges - The
Hook and Point Gauges - Monitoring Groundwater Levels - Self-Registering
Gauges - Questions (Theory)
7. Open Channel Flow 189
Types of Open Channels - Prismatic and Non-Prismatic Channels - Rigid and
Mobile Boundary Channels - Unlined and Lined Channels - Open Channel
Geometry - Hydraulic Parameters of Open Channels - Economical or Best
Hydraulic Sections - Rectangular - Trapezoidal - Circular - N-Sided Channel -
Triangular - State of the Flow - Effect of Viscosity - Effect of Gravity – Chézy’s
Equation - Assessment of Chézy Coefficient - Manning’s Equation - Non-Uniform
Flow - Specific Energy - Critical Energy and Critical Depth - Discharge-Depth
Curve - Momentum Equation - Momentum Equation in Open Channel Flow
- Specific Force - Hydraulic Jump - Basic Characteristics of Hydraulic Jump -
Energy Dissipation due to Hydraulic Jump - Jump Efficiency - Relative Loss of
Energy - Questions (Theory)
8. Pipe Flow 223
Laminar and Turbulent Flow - Entrance Region Flow - Poiseuille and Couette
Flow - Flow Through Parallel Plates - Application of Navier-Stokes Equations
- Simple Poiseuille Flow: Flow Between Two Parallel Stationary Plates - Shell
Balance Approach (Conservation of Momentum) - Couette Flow - Laminar Flow
in Pipes - Loss of Pressure Head - Pipe Capacity: Manning’s Equation - Questions
9. Hydraulic Losses in Pipe Flow 241
Introduction - Major and Minor Head Losses - Estimation of Major Head Losses
- Darcy-Weisbach Formula - Assessment of Friction Coefficient - Hazen-Williams
Equation - Minor Head Losses - Head Loss at the Entrance of Pipe - Head Loss
at Exit of Pipe - Head Loss due to Gradual Enlargement or Contraction - Head
Loss due to Sudden Contraction in Pipe - Losses due to Sudden Enlargement -
Head Loss due to Obstruction in Pipe - Head Loss due to Pipe Fittings - Head
Loss in the System - Flow through Piping Systems - Pipes in Series and Parallel
- Questions (Theory)
10. Dimensional Analysis and Similitude 267
Dimensional Analysis - Dimensional Homogeneity - Consistency of the Equation -
Non-Dimensionlization of Equations - Steps for Dimensional Analysis - Rayleigh’s
Method - Buckingham Π Theorem - Determination of Π Terms - Dimensionless
Numbers in Fluid Dynamics - Dimensionless Numbers - Hydraulic Similitude -
Prototype and Model - Kinds of Models - Importance of Model Studies – Similitude
- Geometric Similarity - Kinematic Similarity - Dynamic Similarity - Reynolds/
Froude Model Laws - Modelling and Scaling Laws - Questions (Theory)
11. Introduction to Fluid Machines 291
What is Fluid Machine - Turbines - Classification of Turbines - The Pelton
Wheel - Francis Turbine - Kaplan Turbine - Power Transmission through Pipes -
Maximum Transmission of Power - Maximum Efficiency of Power Transmission
– Pumps - Questions (Theory)
12. Recriprocating Pumps 307
What is a Pump - Need to Study Pumps - Basic Working Principle - Classification
of Pumps - Description of Pumps - Positive-Displacement Pumps - Non-Positive
Displacement Pumps - Reciprocating Pumps - Piston Pumps - Axial and Radial
Piston Pumps - Axial Piston Pump - Radial Piston Pump - Plunger Pump
- Diaphragm Pump - Pneumatic Pump - Peristaltic Pump - Rotary Positive
Displacement Pumps - Gear Pump - Gerotor Pump - Lobe Pump - Vane Pump
- Screw Pump - Theory of Reciprocating Pumps - Capacity of Single Acting
Pump - Capacity of Double Acting Pump - Power Requirement - Performance
of the Pump - Net Positive Suction Head - Air Vessel - Affinity Laws- Selection
of Hydraulic Pumps - Questions (Theory)
13. Hydrodynamic Pumps 339
Kinds of Pumps - Radial Flow Pumps - Axial Flow or Propeller Pumps - Mixed
Flow Pumps - Advantages and Disadvantages - Other Classifications - Components
of a Pump - Shaft and Impeller – Casing - Suction and Delivery Pipes - Foot
Valve with a Screen - Reflux Valve - Self-Priming Device - Working Principle of
Centrifugal Pumps - Terminology - Pump Performance or Characteristic Curves
- Matching a Pump to a Pipeline - Affinity Laws - Effect of Impeller Speed - Effect
of Impeller Diameter - Pump Efficiency - Cost of Pumping - Pumps in Series and
Parallel - Priming of Centrifugal Pumps - Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) -
Water Hammer – Cavitation - Turbine Pump - Submersible Pump - Questions
Objective Type Questions and Answers 373
Annexure 1: Useful Information and Conversion Factors 405
References 409
Index 413