Textbook on Fundamental of Extension Education
by Adhikary, Manas Mohan
ISBN: 9789354619304
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2024
Price : Rs. 12795.00
Biblio : xvi+364p., tbles., figs., ind 25 cm
Author Profile
Professor (Dr) Manas Mohan Adhikary, a retired Professor of Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, West Bengal was attached with the profession of teaching, research and extension for about (40) forty years. His immense potentiality of academic activities and capability to work with the people, sense of research and extension works helped him to serve as Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, Registrar, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Vice-Chancellor, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, and Director, Directorate of Extension Education (Field Extension Wing) in the same University as well as Head of the Department of Agricultural Extension. Besides that he served as Director, Directorate of Open and Distance Learning, University of Kalyani, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal (2019-2021). He has become Course Director for the (8) eight consecutive Winter/Summer School of ICAR sponsored which itself a brilliant achievement in the National Level for any University Professor at his level and class. His hard work and the devotion in the aegis of extension affiliated him as Master Trainers of Experiential learning Cycle in ICAR-USAID programme in 1991. He also contributed at the National Level by becoming Chairman, Site Selection Committee for establishing the Krishi Vigyan Kendra and ushered a new pace in the KVK movement across India. He is the expert of different specialized fields like Group dynamics and leadership, Training of Trainers, Project Evaluation, Participatory Project Management, Value added Agriculture, Media Management etc. He has conducted (14) fourteen research and extension projects as Principal Investigator. He has already chaired a series of International Conference in India and Abroad and has already been honoured to Chaired the session on Dynamics of Livelihood changes across the World in IAEUS Congress, Manchester, UK in 2013. To his credit there are 108 numbers of scientific research papers published in National & International Journals, a good score of chapters and 26 numbers of books in related areas. He is widely travelled all through his carrier covering China, Japan, USA, Australia, Turkey, Bangladesh and Thailand etc.
About The Book
The book “Textbook on Fundamental of Extension Education” has certainly been a selection by the time itself, not by the choice of the author. The book has accommodated all possible innovative aspects of the basic concept of extension education with its rural developmental aspects followed by different rural-social, communication and entrepreneurial aspects of classical contents. The book has been written for the entry level of UG students in full compliance to the basic Extension Educational aspects as per ICAR 5th Dean Committee recommended Under Graduate syllabus, as delineated by the ICAR, New Delhi. The characterization being. The present book is spread over in five chapters, which covers fundamental of extension education, rural development, rural sociology and educational psychology, communication skills and personality development and entrepreneurship development and business management. I hope the book will be welcome by a galaxy of scholars and professionals and keep generating valuable feedback in reconstructing it in due course of time.
Table of Contents
Message v
Preface ix
1. Fundamental of Extension Education 1
a) Evolution of Extension Education: Types of education, Meaning,
Formal and Informal education, Definition, Concept, importance,
Scope, Function, philosophy, process, levels, Objectives, functions and
b) Extension Programme Planning: Extension programme, meaning,
process, objectives, principles, steps in programme planning, model,
phases and steps, extension evaluation, nature of evaluation, Steps
involved in an extension programme evaluative process.
c) Extension system in India: Glimpses of Pre-Independence era:
rural reconstruction at the sunderbans in Bengal, Gurgaon project,
Shriniketan project, Seva-gram, Marthandam project, Baroda village,
Grow More Food campaign, Indian village service, Firka vikas yojana.
d) Glimpses of Post-Independence Era: Etawah pilot project, Nilokheri
experiment, Community Development Project, Grow-More-Food enquiry
committee report, National Extension Service, Key Village Scheme,
Intensive Agricultural District Programme, Operation Flood, Training
and Visit (T and V) system, Integrated Rural Development Programme,
Intensive Agricultural Area Programmes.
e) First-line extension system of ICAR: National Demonstration,
Operational Research Project, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Trainers
Training Centre, Lab to Land Programme, Technology Assessment and
Refinement (TAR) - Institution Village Linkage Programme (IVLP),
National Agricultural Technology Project, Agricultural Technology
Information Centre, National Agricultural Innovation Project, Rural
Landless Employment Guarantee Programme, Jawahar Rozgar Yojana,
National Agriculture Extension Project, Watershed Development
programme, National Agricultural Technology Project, Institute
Village Linkage Programme, National Agricultural Innovation Project,
National Innovations on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA),
Attracting and Retaining Youth in Agriculture, Farmers FIRST (Farm,
Innovations, Resources, Science and Technology) Programme, Mera
Gaon Mera Gaurav, Soil Health Card.
f) New Trends in extension education: Privatization of Extension,
Advantage and disadvantage, Cyber Extension/e-Extension, IT and ICT,
Farmer-Led Extension, Market-Led Extension, Expert system, Difference
between Conventional Extension and Expert System Extension.
2. Rural Development 63
a) Rural Development: meaning, concept, objectives, Functions of
Extension Education in Rural Development, Dimension, aspect,
constraints etc. List of development programmes in India/Sociology.
b) Community Development Programme: meaning, genesis, concept,
definition, objectives, aspects, principles, philosophy, types and
programmes of community development programme.
c) Rural Leadership: definition, meaning, concepts, principals, types and
qualities of a good leader.
d) Extension Administration: meaning, concept, principals, functions,
e) Monitoring and Evaluation: definition, scope, meaning, monitoring
and evaluation in extension programme.
f) Transfer of Technology: Concept, definition, model, methods, capacity
building of extension personnel.
g) Training for Development: definition, need for training, model,
training process, designing extension training programmes, principals,
Steps to conduct active extension training programme, build up a
training programmes etc.
h) Krishi Vigyan Kendra: concept, principals, mandate etc.
i) Extension teaching and learning process: meaning, definition,
function, classifications, teaching methods etc.
j) Teaching process in extension: steps, selection of extension teaching,
factors etc.
k) ICT applications in TOT: role, ICT in extension works, importance,
media mix strategies, Factors influencing in selection of extension
teaching methods etc.
l) Audio Visual Aids: definition, meaning, classification, advantages/
disadvantage, importance, use of AV Aids etc.
m) Communication: definition, importance, elements, principals,
functions, models, feedback, forms of communication, barrier etc.
n) Agricultural Journalism: definition, meaning, principles of farm
journalism, importance, scope, functions etc.
o) Diffusion and Adoption of Innovation: concept, meaning, elements,
innovation decision process, model, stages of adoption process, adopter
categories etc.
3. Rural Sociology and Educational Psychology 197
a) Sociology and Rural Sociology: Definition, Meaning of Rural Sociology,
Nature, Characteristics, Scope, Importance and Significance of Rural
Sociology, Origin and Development of Rural Sociology in India,
b) Social Ecology, Rural Society, Social Group, Social stratification,
Structural Concepts. Social interaction, Social Institutions,
c) Social Change and Development, Role of the Individual in Social
Change, Importance of Rural Sociology in Extension Education,
Interrelationship between Rural Sociology and Extension
d) Educational Psychology: Definitions, Meaning, Importance, aims, Role
of Educational Psychology in Extension Education, Behaviour, Domains
of learning. Personality: Role of personality in extension education,
e) Perception and Motivation: Classification of Motives, Theories of
motivation, Importance of motivation in agricultural extension.
f) Intelligence: Types of intelligence. Mental Maturity, Factors affecting
Intelligence, Importance of Intelligence in Extension work
4. Communication Skills and Personality Development 235
a) Communication Skills: Definitions, Principles, Structural
Communication, Elements and their Characteristics of Communication
Process, Types of Communication. Listening skills: Developing listening
skills, Note Taking, Make time for note taking activities in class.
b) Writing skills: Difference between Technical Writing and General
c) Oral Presentation Skill: Field Diary, Laboratory Record, Indexing,
Footnotes, Bibliographic procedures.
d) Reading: Comprehension of General and Technical Articles.
e) Writing: Precise Writing, Summarizing, Precise Writing/Abstracting/
Summarizing, Individual and Group Presentations, Impromptu
Presentation and Extempore,
f) Speaking: Public Speaking, Group Discussion, Organizing Seminars
and Conferences.
5. Entrepreneurship Development and Business Communication 287
a) Entrepreneurship: Co n c e p t o f e n t r e p r e n e u r, Co n c e p t
of entrepreneurship, Functions of entrepreneurs, Meaning of
entrepreneurship, Characteristics of Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial
Process, Importance of Entrepreneurship, Types of Entrepreneurs,
Difference between entrepreneur and manager, Scope for
entrepreneurship development in Agriculture,
b) SWOT: Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT)
Analysis, Analyzing the Business, Achievement Motivation, Government
policy and Programmes, Prime minister’s employment generation
programme, Schemes for women entrepreneurs, Impact of economic
reforms on Agribusiness/Agri-enterprises, Process of Entrepreneurship
c) Skills development: Business Leadership Skills, Developing
Organisational skills, Controlling, Supervising, Problem Solving,
Monitoring and Evaluation, Developing Managerial Skills, Business
Leadership Skills, Communication, Direction skill, Motivation Skills,
Problem Solving Skill.
d) Supply Chain Management, Total quality management (TQM), Project
Planning Formulation and Report Preparation, Financing of Enterprise,
Opportunities for Agri-entrepreneurship and rural enterprise.
References 335
Index 359