Joint Forest Management in Assam

by Deka, M M

ISBN: 9789354618901
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2024
Price : Rs. 5195.00
Biblio : x+137p., ind., 23 cm

About The Book

This book will give immense information on joint forest management system of Assam with special reference to Dhubry district, besides other important information of North East and other parts of the country. The readers can read the problems of forest management at Dhubri district of Assam which is more or less similar to the whole N.E. India and in Many other states of India. A special character of forests of this district that these are Ex-Zamindari forests, it means that the forests were controlled and managed by the Zamindars in past. Reserve Forests of the district are not similar with other of the state. Revenue villagers are embroidered within the Reserve Forests, the details are given inside the book. Motivation of the people towards J.F.M. is not a simple task. Hence, these are discussed widely to remove the difficulties and it has been tried to solve these difficulties easily. J.F.M. is the tool of Rural Development, specially to the people living within and around forests, which is just the opposite idea of past forest management system. This orthodox (British) policy has been criticized in this book and further clarified that the forest is for people and predators are the protectors of forests. Problems of terrorism or insurgency have seriously infected the whole N.E. region presently, where Assam is also one of the sufferers in all aspects. A seperate chapter is included in this book of this problem. Knowledge of Eco-socio system is essential for the J.F.M. workers and hence a rough sketch has been drawn for Dhubri district of Assam on this topic. The past is necessary for future and without studying our ancient forest management it is very difficult to work for future development of our forests. For this reason, some pages have been included in this book which speak of the past forest management of Assam, prior to British period.

Table of Contents

Contents: Chapter 1: Ex-Zamindari Forest of Dhubri District, Chapter 2: History of Participatory Forest Management at Dhubri District, Chapter 3: Joint Forest Management in North East India, Chapter 4: Forest is for People, Chapter 5: Joint Forest Management is the Blessing for Assam, Chapter 6: Forest and Panchayat of Assam, Chapter 7: Ancient Forest and Wild Life, Chapter 8: Terrorist and Joint Forest Management of Assam, Chapter 9: Joint Forest Management and Motivation, Chapter 10: Prospect of Joint Forest Management at Dhubri District, Chapter 11: Joint Forest Management is the Tool of Rural Development, Chapter 12: A Critic of Eco-socio System of Gauripur/Dhubri, Chapter 13: Report of the Expert Group on People’s Participation in Forest Management, Chapter 14: The Forest of Assam, Chapter 15: Assam Forests at a Glance, Chapter 16: The Assam Joint (People’s Participation) Forestry Management Rules, 1998.