Rice in a Variable Climate

by Yash P Abrol

ISBN: 9789354618727
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Imprint : Associated Publishing Company
Year : 2024
Price : Rs. 8795.00
Biblio : vii+243p.,figs.,tabls., 25 cm

Author Profile

Yash P. Abrol obtained Ph.D. from the University of Chicago (USA) and worked a a post-doctroal fellow at the University of California Since 1965, he has been in the Indian Agricultural Research Institute. At present, he is Emeritus Scientist (CSIR) . <BR> Sulochana Gadgil graduated from the University of Pune and obtained Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from Harvard University (USA). She has been on the faculty of the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore since 1973 and is at present Professor in the Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences.

About The Book

Rice is the primary food of the Asians and over 85 per cent of the rice is produced in the continent. India ranks second in both production and area in the World. It contributes over 40 per cent to the annual food grain production to the country. The area for rice cultivation is 43 m ha of which only 19 m ha is irrigated. Yields under rainfed ecologies are poor and show a high degree of instability and depend heavily on the vagaries of the monsoon. The major challenge before agricultural Scientists and climatologists is a how to increase production of rainfed areas. This volume assesses the present status of Knowledge pertaining to links betwwn rice cultivation under diverse ecologies and climate variability, and identities constraints.