Seed Invigoration: Treatments and Quantification of Vigour
by Basu, R N & Bina Punjabi
ISBN: 9789354615931
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Imprint : Daya Publishing House
Year : 2023
Price : Rs. 14295.00
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Author Profile
Professor R.N. Basu Ph.D.(I. A. R.I.), D.Sc.(Cal.) F.N.A.Sc. has been a teacher of the University of Calcutta since 1962. He retired as Khaira Professor of Agriculture after having served for over four decades in various capacities, including two four-year terms (1991-1999) as Vice-Chancellor in the University of Calcutta. In collaboration with his post-graduate students, pre-and post-doctoral research fellows, faculty members and guest researchers, Professor Basu has published around two hundred research papers in plant physiology in reputed national and international journals of which more than a hundred are in the field of seed physiology. This treatise is the outcome of extensive studies on seed invigoration carried out over a period of four decades, since 1974 at the University of Calcutta. The development of hydration-dehydration and dry seed treatments for maintenance of viability, vigour and improved field performance of crops provided new insights into the causes of seed deterioration and its control. Subsequently with the progressive development of concepts and ideas on seed vigour, Professor Basu proposed mathematical-statistical approaches towards quantification of seed vigour status.
Dr. Bina Punjabi is the Academic Advisor to Guru Nanak Vidyak Society, Mumbai, formerly Principal of Guru Nanak College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai. Dr. Punjabi obtained her Ph.D. from Calcutta University under the guidance of Professor R.N. Basu. She pursued her post-doctoral studies on the physiology of mid-storage hydration-dehydration seed invigoration treatments at the University of Calcutta on a Senior Research Fellowship of University Grants Commission, New Delhi. Thereafter, as a Senior Research Associate at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, she continued to work in the same field (1984-1989). Dr Punjabi has been associated with Professor Basu for nearly four decades and has published over two dozen research papers in plant and seed physiology and is presently working on quantification of seed vigour.
About The Book
Seed treatments for extending longevity of dry-stored orthodox seeds and maintenance of vigour and viability of seed lots and field performance potential of crops have been covered for commercial adaptation by the predominantly small and marginal farmers. The research findings are based on development of seed hydration-dehydration as well as 'dry' (non-aqueous) seed treatments in the University of Calcutta during the last over four decades involving a large number of post-graduate students, pre-and post-doctoral fellows and faculty members.
Table of Contents
Foreword v
Acknowledgements vii
Editorial Submission ix
List of Figures xv
Abbreviations xvii
1. Prefatory Chapter: Aim, Scope and Structure of the Book 1
2. Conceptual Issues on Seed Vigour, Viability and
Seed Invigoration 7
3. Seed Invigoration Treatments 15
4. Abstracts of Selected Papers 37
5. Thematic Issues and Theme Papers 85
6. Quantification of Seed Vigour 179
7. Supplement to Thematic and Allied Issues 219
8. Seed Priming: A General Review on Priming and Invigoration 229
Annexure No A–1: 249
Annexure No. A–2: 273
Annexure No A–3: 331
Annexure No A–4: 334
Annexure No A–5: 337
Annexure No A–6: 338
Annexure No A–7: 340
Annexure No A–8: 346
Bibliography 349