Recent Trends in Algal Taxonomy Vo 1: Taxonomical Issues
by A.K. Mahto
ISBN: 9789354615702
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Imprint : Associated Publishing Company
Year : 2023
Price : Rs. 10895.00
Biblio : viii+301p.,tabls.,figs., 25 cm
Table of Contents
Foreword vii
List of Contributors ix
Section - 1
1. Profile of Lipids in Algae 3
2. Nuclear Cytology of Algae-A Promising Adjunct to Taxonomy 21
3. Phycotaxonomy in Tamil Nadu 51
Section - 2
4. Recent Trends in the Taxonomy of Selected Chlorococcalean Algae 67
5. Cladophorales : An Overview over Morphotaxonomy vis a vis Cytotaxonomy 101
Section - 3
6. Ultrastructure vs. Taxonomy of Desmids 129
7. Taxonomy of Zygnemataceae : Problems and Prospects 141
8. Taxonomic Proposals for Systematics of the Zygnemacean Algae 155
Section - 4
9. Taxonomy of Charophyta-Trends and Perspective 179
1:0. A reappraisal on the Taxonomy of Lamprothamnium J. GR 221
11. An Annotated List and Selected Bibliography of Indian Charophyta 229
Section - 5
12. Recent and Emerging Trends in Chrysophycean Taxonomy 243
13. A Taxonomic Appraisal of the Genera Spirulina and Arthrospira 253
Section - 6
14. Marine Algal Taxonomy in India 275
15. Cytotaxonomical Approach to Red Algal Taxonomy 287
16. Modem Trends in the Taxonomy of Gelidiales 295