Recent Advances in Indian Entomology

by Lal, O P

ISBN: 9789354615696
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Imprint : Associated Publishing Company
Year : 2023
Price : Rs. 14295.00
Biblio : xv+392p.,figs.,tabls.,ref., 25 cm

About The Book

The present book Recent Advances in Indian Entomology gives a vast knowledge about the progress made in India on different entomological fronts. It contains vital information on changing scenario of Indian agriculture, plant protection set up in India, registration and regulation of pesticides, surveillance and monitoring of insect pests, postharvest grain technology, management of vectors of viral diseases, apiculture, vermiculture, vertebrate pests and management of insects of public health importance. It has many chapters on taxonomy physiology, biological control, toxicology and IPM in different crops. The book will be to great value to researchers, teachers and students. All those engaged in the field of plant protection, transfer of technology, extension work, agriculture , horticulture, environment, bio-control and nature farming will also be immensely benefited.